Chapter 18 - Piano

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A/N: I really hate putting random videos in the media but this is one of the songs Shuichi plays, later in the chapter. Listen to it if you wanna know what it sounds like, but you're really not forced to lmao.
Also, slight ⚠️TW⚠️ for suicidal thoughts.

Of course, out of all people I had to end up facing again alone, it was Kokichi. He frowned, seeing me walk out.

"Get out of my way, Shuichi."

He spat out my name like poison. I lowered my head and just walked past him.

"What's your deal anyway? Why the fuck are you so antisocial and not messing with us like you had no problem doing in the game?"

His words pierced right through my heart.

"That's not... that's not your business." I tried to say, as coldly as I could.

I heard a little snicker.

"Yeah, totally not my business that you messed with everyone's feelings, including mine, and then act like you did nothing wrong."

I felt my heart squeeze and a lump build up in my throat. The tears came up again and my lips started trembling as I thought about all I did back in the game. It was true... I did mess with their feelings. I shouldn't have acted like my actual self; I should have just stayed away from them like I'm doing now, it would have been so much better.

I'm lucky I was facing away from him, or he would have seen the single tear slide down my cheek.

"I just..."

He let out a sigh.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for this. And trust me, I forgive people veryyy easily!~"

I gulped.

"Leave me alone." I blurted out, trying my best to keep my voice neutral.

"Gladly. Don't worry, neither me or anyone else has any intention to talk to you either anytime soon so you can be sure you're going to be alone."

I started walking again towards my room. I was on the verge of sobbing again and my vision was all blurry. When I got there, I locked the door behind me and threw myself on my bed.

I buried my head in and starting sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't even care if it was loud or anything, I didn't even care about anything anymore.

He should have just killed me.

That bastard should have just ended my pathetic life after I got out of the game, this way, I wouldn't have to suffer like this and he would have given my parents the despair he wanted so bad. Oh yeah right, my parents left me, they wouldn't even care if I died.

I don't know how long I stayed in bed, crying endless tears into my pillow and arms. But it felt really good to just... let out all of these emotions I've been bottling up, completely.

I lifted my head from my pillow and sniffed. My eyes met with the small mirror hanging from the wall, beside my wardrobe. My eyes were puffy, my face was stained with tears and my hair was a complete mess.

I took a deep breath.

Then, a second one. And a third one.

I already felt calmer.

I stood up from my bed and took my hairtie sitting on my nightstand. I grabbed all of my hair, which had gotten pretty long over the last month, and pulled it back into a small ponytail. Strands of shorter hairs fell back on my face after I was done, but at least most of it was out of view.

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