Chapter 31 - The Mastermind's Plan

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Where the hell...

My consciousness came back to me slowly. But with that same consciousness came back a terrible headache. That headache was concentrated on one area; the back of my head.

I blinked a few times, blinded by the light bulb seemingly dangling from the roof above me. I rolled over on my side with a grunt and tried to push myself up.

I managed to sit up, the pain at the back of my head only worsening, making me unintentionally groan from it. I lifted a hand to rub the back of my head to try and soothe it a little.

Well, at least I tried.

I felt a rush of panic overflow from my brain as I felt the harsh ropes dig into my skin. I glanced down and noticed something else. Another rope was tightly wrapped around my legs, going down to my ankles and ending with a knot. It was messily and visibly quickly done because this knot wasn't the most secure knot I've seen.

The events from before flashed through my mind. Kokichi, the knife, the cameras and the... mysterious smoke. I was desperately trying to link them all together. was definitely sleeping glass. It was coming from the cameras Team Danganronpa controls so this can only mean the room I'm in and the way I'm tied up is all something organized by them.


I remember Kokichi slumping to the floor as well, before me even.


Another spike of anxiety flowed through my body as I quickly looked around the room. I examined every corner of it, but could only find a small bed in the corner, next to a small nightstand. The rest of the room was completely empty. There wasn't even a window and the walls looked like they were aluminum or another type of metal.

When I didn't notice Kokichi anywhere, I felt relief, but also panic at the same time. If this was really Team Danganronpa who tied me up, then... what did they do with Kokichi...? He was there too after all...

I tried to get the ropes loose. They weren't tied very tightly, but they were very resistant. I was also not in tip top shape, still recovering from that nasty illness... I cursed myself for being so weak and slumped to the floor, defeated. I let out a long sigh.

I'm so tired.

I'm so tired of everything.

Why... why do I still have to put up with this...

If only I didn't sign up for that dumb game. If only I wasn't a stupid idiot.

A serie of self-deprecating thoughts filled my head. I couldn't help it, I felt completely helpless and miserable. This was all too much and soon enough, it would soon push me over the edge.

As I thought about that, a metallic door flew open, making me jump and let out a surprised gasp. Footsteps echoed through the room as I dared to lift my head up. But I already knew deep down inside of me who it was, it was all too simple to guess.

He stared at me with a shit eating grin, his eyes boring into my soul.

"Hello there, my beloved Mastermind~."

I felt a sudden wave of panic, fear and... anger flow through me. The last feeling immediately took over.

"What do you want. Why did you take me here."

I was surprised by my own tone and voice. It came out raspy and dry, like I did not drink anything in two days.

"Oh~, feisty are we? Well, we have no time for that. You have to get ready."

I frowned, confused. "Huh...?"

The man laughed, a giggle similar to Kokichi's.

"Oh, for the interview of course!"

I felt my blood run cold. "I-Interview...?" He laughed again, this time dropping the giggle and erupting in a short deranged cackle. I hadn't heard that horrifying chuckle in a while and I found myself shivering.

"Well... I got bored of the despair from your pathetic loneliness."

I felt a wave of excitement. 'Does this mean I'm... free?!' I lifted my head up again to look at the man. Happy thoughts filled my head as I imagined myself talking ang laughing with my friends without a care in the world.

But of course, it was all broken down by his terrible grin.

"But of course, it's not over yet! I will now make you feel another type of despair!"

I felt my body start to tremble helplessly. The weeks of fatigue and illness took over and tears started stinging the corners of my eyes. My hope had been completely shattered.

"You'll act like your Mastermind persona in public! I want you to do interviews, attend fan greet and meets and sign fan's merch. People have been requesting this and fans are becoming angry. Plus, we're running low on money, so you'll be helping us a lot~"


Nothing could describe the feeling that was currently overwhelming me.

Anger, sadness, disgust, terror and despair all mixed together. I couldn't hold it in anymore and let out what looked like a choked laugh mixed with tears. I felt droplets run down my cheeks and settle on the floor beneath my face.

I let out another laugh. And another one.

Until I felt myself loose control over my tears and choked chuckles. It was an ugly combination really. My whole body was trembling and my vision was blurry. I slumped to the floor again, my head hitting the concrete floor harshly. I was exhausted. As my laughing fit ended, I felt completely numb.

I truly was going crazy.

"Are you finally going to break? Took you long enough."


I snapped my head to look at him, almost a little too abruptly. He stepped back slightly. His face shifted from his usual evil grin to a surprised face, before quickly reverting back to that grin. This would have probably gone unnoticed by anyone who wasn't paying attention, but I definitely noticed it.

"It would make it so much easier for me if you would just obey my orders like a dog! It would save me a lot of time and effort!"

Something snapped in my brain at that moment.

"So... you want me to be your toy, huh?"

I used the bitchy, evil tone I used back in the game.

This seemed to please the man.

"Exactly! You understand everything my beloved Mastermind!"


I smirked to myself inside my head. A newfound motivation lit up in my brain, fuelled by the realization.

Maybe I had a chance to escape his paws now.

If I follow his plan, act the way he wants and respect him, I'll eventually gain his trust... right?

And then... I can escape... right?

It was a twisted plan, really. And it was terrifying, I wasn't even sure I was going to be able to do that. But it was the only thing I could possibly come up with.

And so, I took one deep breath, before faking my best grin at the man.

"Well... I have nothing else to lose so why not?"

The man's eyes widened and he grinned even harder. "Oh! Oh my!~ The drug worked even better than I intended! How wonderful!~"

'Drug...?!' I mentally frowned at the thought. 'What did he inject me with...'

He approached me and started untying the knots behind my back, rambling about fans, money, fame and merch.

When I was finally free, I rubbed my wrists, who were showing slight marks of the ropes digging into them.

But I didn't manage to sooth them for long before my arm was grabbed and pulled along harshly.

"Come on now my little Mastermind! Let's get this show on the road!"

The Mastermind's Lies | Mastermind Shuichi AUWhere stories live. Discover now