Chapter 12 - Lied To

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"Talking about your little detective, here he is!"

Immediately, everyone turned around again. Maki placed herself in front of Kaito and the others protectively, like she did in the class trial.

Footsteps echoed in the silent hall, coming closer every second.

And, out of the shadows came Shuichi.

He looked a little different than from the game, like all of us really (I for example lost my purple tips, I probably never had them in the beginning). His hair was longer and tied in a small ponytail at the back. His bangs were still the same length as usual though. His piercing golden-grey eyes remained the same...

But they looked different.

They looked... distressed? Confused? Mad?

For the first time in a while, I couldn't read my beloved Shumai at all.

His face was stone cold, he stopped walking a few feet in front of Maki and crossed his arms.

A heavy silence filled the room.

"Shuichi... please tell me this is all fake. Please tell me this is a joke."

Kaito's desperate voice was trembling. That idiot still fails to acknowledge reality, he never changes. Kaito even leaned closer to Shuichi.

Shuichi's face twitched, before he frowned.

"Are you that dumb Kaito? This isn't a fucking joke, period."

He tch'ed. Kaito took a small step back. A terrified look crept up on his face. Some others even flinched at his cold tone, including myself. His eyes were filled with disgust and insanity, twirling all together in an endless pit. These eyes didn't even seem to belong to him, it felt like they removed his old kind and sweet golden orbs and replaced them with a random psychopath's eyes that barely even fit with Shuichi.

"I'm NOT your friend, I'm NOT the little shy adworabwle wittle detectivwe you knew." he mocked.

I couldn't help but let out a small unnoticed giggle at his mocking tone. Then, all of a sudden, Kaito launched himself at Shuichi. Shuichi's eyes widened, almost going back to normal for a moment, before Kaito's fist entered in contact with his face.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing Kaito?!" I shouted. But I was ignored completely.

Shuichi collapsed hard on the floor.

He stayed there for a few seconds, as the room fell back into silence again.

He coughed up blood and his nose started bleeding. He pushed himself back up with his arms weakly.

"This is for fucking with us all throughout the game!" shouted Kaito, who'd started crying. "I can't believe I trusted you, I thought you were my sidekick. You were this kind, amazing and cool guy and... you were my best friend. I can't believe you... you were just a snake. A disgusting traitor!"

I saw Shuichi's eyes widen for a second and his eyebrows shift in horror.

But when I blinked, that seemingly natural reaction of his disappeared as soon as it appeared, quickly replaced with a face twisted with anger.

I... must have imagined that.

"Go cry about it, I don't care. Now, leave me alone."

He got up slowly. His movements were strained and he looked in pain. My heart squeezed a little, looking at him like that. I didn't want to see Shuichi hurt.

Why am I thinking like that? He betrayed us... He was the one thing I swore to destroy and even gave my life to do so. He's the piece of shit who trapped us all in there.

I can't feel bad for... trash like Shuichi Saihara.

He started heading towards the door again.

"Ah-ha! Not so fast Shuichi!" shouted the woman. "I've got an announcement for you all!"

I snapped my head around to look at the annoying hag.

"Since you guys are now all out of the game, you'll be moving out of here! A house funded by Team Danganronpa and the government is built every two years for the new Danganronpa cast, including for you all too! So, you'll be moving in this house tomorrow, but-"

She giggled.

"You guys also have to go back and finish your last year of high school. This is the only condition the government gives us."

"So, if I understand well, we will all be moving in a house designed for us and we will also all have to go back to high school?" asked Korekiyo.


I squinted my eyes. Something still bothered me.

"What about our memories?" I asked.

"What memories?" she asked.

"Don't play with me, old lady~ I'm talking about our real memories, not these fake ass ones you made for us."

"Oh, that! U-um..."

She nervously laughed.

"You will never get them back!"

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