Chapter 32 - Revelation

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I opened my eyes, feeling a terrible headache seep into the cracks of my brain. I hissed and pressed a palm to my hand, rolling onto my back.

Wait, where the hell am I?

I jolted up, looking around.

That's when, suddenly, everything came back to me. My little plan to lure Team Danganronpa, getting Shuichi, the camera, the gas and... nothing. Only black.

I'd been knocked unconscious by these bastards with that stupid sleeping gas they released from the cameras. Out of all the things I had expected to happen, this really wasn't one I thought would be a possibility, yet here I was.

The plan had failed.

I pushed myself up, my legs wobbling and my knees trembling. 'This gas was no mere sleeping gas, holy moly.'

I helped myself up with the wall. As soon as my vision started to settle, I immediately started to panic.



Where's Shuichi.

My blood ran cold as I turned my head around to look all around the room, only to notice absolutely no trace of him anywhere.

'Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit.'

I opened the door, this time finding it unlocked, and bursted out. Immediately, I headed to the entrance of the house, where Kaede had been waiting for me for the plan.

But as I ran down the stairs, I ran head first into someone. I heard a small yelp that I recognized instantly.

"Kokichi! There you are!" she semi-whispered. It was night after all.

I grabbed her shoulders, shaking them. "Did you see anything Kaede?? Where did they take him?!"

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I saw th-them enter the house and carry him out from the corner of the wall. B-But I couldn't move, I didn't dare to move. They had guns Kokichi. Guns! I-I-I could have never stopped them and if I called the police, they-"

I took a deep breath.

"Shut up, I get it, whatever. The plan failed and you know what that means."

Kaede gulped and put a hand to her chin, before reciting what they'd been organizing together. "If Plan A fails, we move onto either Plan B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. B is if Shuichi ends up going crazy and hurts you, C is if he manages to get away, D if if Team Danganronpa is unresponsive,...."

She continued to recite the plans and took a deep breath when she reached the letter I.

"And lastly, Plan I is if nothing above occurs and another, more dangerous result is the outcome."

I grinned. "Well then, let's get to work, and quick."

She nodded and immediately headed to the rooms. She knocked on the doors, yelling at everyone to wake up, while I ran the opposite way, to the complete other side of the mansion. I headed directly into Miu's lab.

Glancing at the camera, I noticed the usual red light wasn't flickering but the blue light was on, meaning no one was watching. I quickly looked around the room and spotted exactly what I was looking for.

I grinned, reminded of the game.

The electrobombs.

I grabbed the bright pink bombs and immediately, I set one off in this room.

I immediately ran out and noticed the cameras' blue lights were completely out. I ran down the hallways and set another one off when I got to the stairs. I heard small protests coming from downstairs, meaning Kaede had effectively brought the others out of their rooms and into the living room.

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