Part 1- Nico's... eventful, job.

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He was in an office, he didn't remember why he was in an office, but he was.

"Well Mr. Di Angelo, good luck." Ms. Potts sighed, "You're gonna need it with Tony."

I probably wasn't supposed to hear that last part, but due to demigod hearing, I did.
I had already been Ms. Pott's assistant for a year(he's now 21) and has since been dubbed strong-willed and punctual enough to be Mr. Stark's assistant. I have never met Mr. Stark, due to never really wanting to, and didn't really want this job, but seeing how stressed Ms. Potts was trying to get him to do anything he's supposed to, I figured I could at least relieve some of that stress from her, so she could spend more time doing her own duties.
Seriously, what in Gaia's name was wrong with Mr. Stark, for such a responsible, collected person like Ms. Potts to need someone to babysit him? Jeez.

<The Next Day>

We were stepped out of the elevator in a very large room with some couches/sofas, a very nice rug, a coffee table, a TV, a hallway to the left, and a large open doorway to the right, I could see counters and a fridge from where I was, so I figured it was the kitchen. (A/N I have legit no idea what the inside of the tower looks like, but this is how I imagine the penthouse so just work with me here)

The penthouse. I had been here before and knew my way around, as well as possible emergency exits, but didn't know it as well as other floors.
He had a nice house, I'll give him that. Seriously, who needs two swimming pools and 17 hot tubs? But hey, who am I to judge?

"Alright, before I go, you have his schedule?"

I nod, holding up the clipboard with the schedule she gave me.

"Ok, good. And you have the communicator I gave you?"

I nod, touching the comm in my ear.

Now, about 5 years ago, I would never have even thought about applying for this job, due to the insane amount of technology here.

However, since the SGW(Second Giant War), the Hephaestus cabin and Hecate cabin had been working on ways to block the curse that allows monsters to find demigods through the use of electronics. (A/N I'm pretty sure it was a curse, been a while since I read the Demigod Diaries or whatever it was called)

So now, since I and the rest of the currently known demigods have had the curse be blocked, I was good and could use electronics now, though I still preferred to use them in moderation for two reasons.

One, it might fail, I mean, I probably wouldn't, but it could.

And two, I'm from the 40s, what do you expect?

Also, just because I'm from the past, does not mean I'm a Captain America enthusiast!!

Alright? Great.

Oh yeah, interview, Ms. Potts, trial run, etc.

"Ok, awesome, any questions before I go?" She looked kinda nervous, probably thinking I'll be scared away by the Tony guy.

I shrug, "I mean, I would like to know where this Mr. Stark is, but other than that, no."

She nodded, used to my personality by now,

"Yeah, just a sec." She got over her surprise and did something with the comm, probably to talk to Mr. Stark. "Yeah, get your butt over here, I got a meeting to go to." She then clicked off And turned to me with an apologetic smile, "He'll be here soon."

Nico Di Angelo, Assistant of IronmanWhere stories live. Discover now