Part 9- St. Patty's Party(Pt. 2)

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*faun*ing robots. Why do they have to exist? I mean seriously, I didn't even want to come here, so today was already a bad day, the only thing that I was happy about was Will and the nice chat I had with Pepper this morning. Other than that, these robots just made a bad day, a horrible day. Oh, but the worst? There was another one. That's right, you heard me, there was now a Spider-man one as well. Lovely. Luckily, Spidey 0.2 wasn't nearly as capable as vanilla Spidey, hence the 0.2 instead of 2.0.

Wait, doesn't vanilla even make sense in this context? I'm not sure, but whatever, you know what I mean, people who don't exist but are narrated to anyway. 

Wait, do they exist? That sounds like an interesting concept, being stuck in a book, having either yourself, your friends/enemies, and or some random person in the air watching us like the creep they are. Or would they? Because if we're in a book we're technically their creation and they would be able to control our thoughts and emotions, theoretically of course. But then again, what kind of stupid author would let their characters have thoughts like this?

Why am I even thinking about this, there are freaking robots! Thankfully, I didn't have to fight them, as this party was heavily guarded with both the Avengers(minus Thor) and SHIELD, so there was no need for me to worry, so I did the only sensible option and started dragging my boyfriend to follow the hoard of party-goers already trying to evacuate.

It was pretty standard, Avengers fight along with several, obviously highly trained, SHIELD agents. Mmmm, I wonder what we should have for dinner... heard there was a new pizza place that was supposedly really good. You know, thinking about pizza, why is it sold in a square box, is round, but then eaten as a triangle? Ah well, it shall remain as one of the great mysteries of the world for all time I suppose. OH SHI-

Turning around, to the left of Nico was Spidey 0.2, aka new wall decor to go with the slight crater in the wall. Lovely. Nothing like a green and orange mangled Spider-man in the center of an indent to eradicate all appetite you had, not that he had much, to begin with.

While Nico was lost in thought, Will was actively watching the fight with interest. As a healer, he sees more of the consequences of fights instead of the actual thing, so he had a small fascination in watching others fight, though he disliked doing so himself. It may seem surprising that someone who strongly believes peace is the best option in most scenarios likes to watch people fight, but the answer is really simple, he doesn't. Well, not serious life or death fights, but sparring, or ones where he knows for almost a fact that the person or people he wants to win, will.

Currently, Thor and Spider-man robots were being dealt with by several agents each, with the Avengers attacking their replica, while the rest of the people attending were evacuated, aside from Will, Nico, and a few other people.

It was truly a sight behold, the team acted as one, joining forces briefly to help the other before returning to their respective robot. A punch here, kick there, bast through there, a bullet through that. Even though they were attacking different opponents, it was still obvious to Will, trained by the many battles, fights, and spars he's both observed and participated in, that they were a well-trained team, moving like a well-oiled machine.
The SHIELD agents, while well trained, only three of them moved with each other well, not as well as the Avengers, but you could tell they had fought together before and knew each other well.

If you couldn't tell, he likes to observe. People, animals, Nico, objects, machines, Nico, cities, food, processes, things like, including a certain very adorable, hot, boyfriend of death. Oh, and did I mention Nico? Well, I hope so, because after watching the fight long enough to gather an opinion on their fighting styles, that's what he was doing.

Nico Di Angelo, Assistant of IronmanWhere stories live. Discover now