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Michelle Marie Valentine, the younger sister of Vanessa Peters and therefore Bloom Peters' aunt.  While her relationship with her mother is rocky, Bloom has the best relationship with her aunt Michelle. Michelle and Bloom are not that far apart in age, only 10 years, which makes Michelle 26. 

Bloom can always count on her aunt. Usually when Bloom and her mother are fighting, Bloom stays over at her aunt's. Unfortunately on the night of the fire Michelle was out of town for business so Bloom couldn't stay over and rant about her mother to calm down. After the accident Bloom would stay over at her aunt's a lot more and while Michelle didn't really understand why, she welcomed the company. 

Eventually Bloom ran into Farrah Dowling, who offered to take Bloom under her wing and enroll her at Alfea, the school for fairies and specialists. Bloom was apparently a fire-fairy. While she wanted to tell her aunt about it immediately, headmistress Dowling thought it would be better to keep it a secret for now. As far as Michelle knows, Bloom is going to school in Switzerland and they keep in touch by FaceTiming and texting. 

Little did Michelle know that with the discoveries Bloom would do, everything was going to change for her too...

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

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