Chapter 23

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"Okay Sky, talk to me." Michelle said, after putting two cups of tea on the dinner table. And he did. He told her everything from her niece preventing her and Silva meeting to his bad break-up with Stella.

And Michelle listened. She let him talk without any interruptions and after he was done she asked him if there was anything she could do for him. He really appreciated her listening to his problems without any judgement.

"It would be great if you had some advice." "Alright. You shouldn't be so hard on Bloom. You have to remember she's been human almost her entire life. The whole soulmate concept is new to her. She just did what she thought was right."

"And how are you feeling about that?" Sky asked. What the pair didn't know, was that Saul just came through the front door because she had been out of his sight for too long. He knew he could trust Sky with keeping her safe but he was getting restless about her not being with him. He however halted in his step when he heard Sky ask his love that question. Also curious about her answer.

"I don't really know how to feel. Saul is amazing and so incredibly sweet and patient and kind." "Sounds like someone got a crush" Sky said while nudging the blonde woman in front of him. "Don't look so smug, blondie. So what if I have a crush. You can't blame me, he's incredibly handsome and treats me so well. I feel like I have known him my entire life. I just don't want to be judged by people for going too fast."

"You don't have to worry about what other people think, love. Just focus on you and me and what feels good for you." Michelle didn't know Saul was in the house and turned around startled. "How much of that did you hear?" "Enough to be flattered, sweetheart."

Again, it would be alright if the ground would swallow her whole. "Don't be embarrassed, love. If Sky would have asked my we would still be here tomorrow." He said while shooting the flustered woman a wink.

"Change of subject, are you alright, Sky? You seemed pretty upset earlier." "Yeah, I'm fine now Silva. Talking with Michelle really helped gaining some perspective. Thanks again, Michelle." "No problem Sky. If there's ever anything you need to talk about, you know where to find me. I was thinking about making some lasagna tonight. Would you like to join us?" "Lasagna?" both Saul and Sky asked.

"Why do you sound so surprised? You don't like lasagna?" "I don't know, love, I never had it." "Neither have I" Michelle looked at them surprised. "You're shitting me, right?" "Is that so weird, love?" Saul asked laughing a bit. "Yes, it is. What the hell have you all been eating here? I'm sorry, Saul, but this is a turn off for me." Michelle said with a straight face.

But then she bursted out laughing. "You should have seen your face. You looked at me like I just kicked a puppy. I was just kidding, babe. But I'm afraid I will have to insist that you stay over for dinner now, Sky." "Of course Michelle, I'll see you guys tonight then. I am looking forward to tasting this apparently amazing dish." Sky said before leaving.

When they heard the front door close, Saul turned to Michelle with a raised eyebrow "babe, huh?"

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