Chapter 12

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It was nearing 3.00 and Michelle was really starting to question Bloom's odd behavior. The younger girl told her that there was something she needed to do and that she needed her aunt to go with Terra and Aisha, return to the suite and wait there for her. "I promise I'll tell you everything when I'm done". 

Off she went to headmistress Dowling's office trying on her way there to come up with a new plan. Bloom knew texting Sky wasn't the best plan and she would be walking into the lion's den soon but she already texted him. She thought about making a run for it -again- while the three she was desperately trying to avoid were heading to Dowling's office, but figured they would have the gates closed before she could even think of reaching them so she went.

Knocking on the door, Bloom realized that her aunt's future depended on this talk. So she better man up and try to talk them out of keeping Michelle here against her will. Entering the room, all six eyes were immediately on her. However, it seemed that they were waiting for someone else to come into the room with her and they didn't try to hide their disappointment. 

"Where's Michelle, Bloom?" Dowling asked her. "I told Sky I would meet you here, I didn't say anything about aunt M." Saul Silva was getting more frustrated by the second. It had been two hours since he heard his soulmate was here and he still hadn't even seen her. Even Riven knew what she looked like. Realizing that screaming at his soulmate's niece wouldn't be the best course of action, he opted to bite his tongue for now. Someone who could however not bite his tongue was Sky. 

"You don't understand Bloom. They need to meet each other. Silva has been waiting 18 years for her. Please just let them meet. He'll take good care of her. They were made for each other." Before Sky could go on with his rant, Silva put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Sky, I know you mean well, but Bloom doesn't really know me, nor does she fully understand the concept of soulmates. Come, sit down and we can talk about this." Bloom was surprised about the calmness radiating from the man who apparently has been waiting for 18 years for her aunt. Maybe she overreacted a bit. She could at least try to talk to him about this, right?

"Look, I'm sorry. You're right, I don't really get the concept of soulmates in the Otherworld other than what Aisha explained to me. I just don't want aunt Michelle to hate me because she wouldn't be able to leave. It's all my fault then. She came to visit me here and now she won't be able to go back to her life and my grandma set up a blind date for her next week, and..." "You must understand Bloom, that I want nothing but the best for your aunt. She's my soulmate. I would do anything in the world for her. Heck, I'd give her the world if I could. I can't let her go back to California without me, there are Burned Ones everywhere and I can't risk her getting hurt. I also can't go with her because I need to be here while the threat is still active. That's why she can't go back Bloom. I can't lose before I even ever had her. Just know that I promise you that I'll do anything to make her as happy as she can ever be and I will always keep her safe." Saul stated with water filling up in his eyes. "I swear to you, if she'll have me, I'll make her the happiest woman alive." 

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