Chapter 2

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It was early next morning when the doorbell rang. And let me tell you: Michelle was not a morning person. When she opened the door and was met with a big hug from her niece, it worked about the same as a good old cup of coffee. "I missed you so much!" Bloom screamed, while holding on to her aunt for dear life. "Oh my god, what are you doing here sweetheart?" Michelle asked with tears in her eyes. "There's so much I have to tell you, aunt M. But you need to come with me, is that alright? Also, could you pack a bag for like a week?" Although Bloom's answer was a bit cryptic and her request a bit odd, Michelle agreed quickly. She then noticed the older man behind her niece and introduced herself and invited him and Bloom inside. The man with her was professor Harvey, she learned. After pouring them some coffee, Michelle quickly went on to get dressed and to pack her stuff. She sent her colleagues a quick text that she will not be in for the week because of a family emergency and announced that she was ready to go. 

The car ride was seemingly normal, up until Bloom started fidgeting and getting nervous. "B, are you alright?". "Yeah, I'm fine aunt M, I'm just a bit nervous. Could you keep an open mind?" "Sure B, you know me. You can tell me everything, no judgements here." Because Michelle worried about Bloom, she didn't notice that they left her world to go to Otherworld. 

Michelle couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Alfea. It was huge! And come to think, they were most definitely not in Switzerland... Michelle would keep an open mind, but Bloom did have some explaining to do.

Bloom showed her aunt her suite. Aisha offered to bunk with Musa and Terra while her aunt was staying at Alfea, so they had the room to themselves. It was time to explain everything to her aunt and hope she wouldn't be too mad. 

"Okay, here goes nothing. I'm a fire-fairy. I know it sounds crazy, but I swear I'm telling the truth. The fire in our house from a while back, where mom's arms were burned, I did that. I didn't mean to, I swear! But I was so mad and I couldn't control it and then it happened and.." Bloom rambled with tears in her eyes. "Woah woah, calm down sweetie. Take a deep breath and begin at the beginning." Bloom did as her aunt said and told her what she had learned since starting at Alfea. Everything that happened was told by Bloom to her aunt, without any interruptions. Bloom always loved that her aunt would really take her time to listen to her. She just hoped, she wouldn't scare her away. After finishing up her story Bloom took a careful glance at her aunt. Then something happened she really did not expect: her aunt tackled her into a hug and said the words she really needed to hear: "You will always be my niece, B. Blood or no blood, you're stuck with me and I'll always be here for you. Even though this is your world, if needed I will be there with you every step of the way." Those words were enough for Bloom to finally adjust to her new life, luckily still with her favorite person at her side. 

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