Chapter 16

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Saul Silva wasn't scared of a lot of things. Sure, he was scared to lose Sky, but nothing could have prepared for the overwhelming feeling of fear he got when his soulmate passed out. He immediately shot forward and caught his love when she fell forward. He gently laid her down on the couch while telling Sky to go get professor Harvey. Sky didn't hesitate a moment and immediately went into action. 

Bloom was freaking out. Like big time. "No, no, no, no, what happened to her? What's wrong with her?" She leaned over to shake her aunt softly by her shoulders while pleading for her to wake up "Auntie M? Please, this isn't funny. Please, wake up" Silva gently took Bloom by her shoulders and sat her down on the couch next to him. "Calm down, Bloom. Your aunt just passed out. I can imagine it's a lot to take in all at once. Sky is getting professor Harvey and he will check her over, okay? Don't worry, everything will be alright." With that, the young girl threw herself into his arms and hugged him. To say Saul was surprised, would be an understatement but it meant a lot to him that the niece of the woman he loved wanted to be comforted by him. 

Meanwhile, professor Harvey quickly entered the room with his bag full of medical supplies. Sky updated him about everything that happened before his new mother-figure passed out. That was also the time Michelle decided to wake up. "B? I just had the craziest dream ever, you were a fairy, we were in a different world and I was the soulmate of some extremely hot guy." Then she looked around and realized that it was actually not a dream. "And I'm going to stop talking now." 

Professor Harvey smiled at her and asked her if he could check her over to see if she really was alright. After checking her over, he concluded there was nothing wrong with the blonde woman. She was just extremely overwhelmed about all the new information she received and would need to take it easy for the rest of the day. After announcing his conclusion to the rest of the people present, he took his leave but not before congratulating Saul on finding his soulmate and telling him to take care of her. 

"I have to say, I'm flattered you think of me like that." He couldn't help himself. Hearing his soulmate say that she thought he was extremely hot made him feel proud of himself. Worthy of her. He just had to comment on it. Michelle on the other hand wished the ground would swallow her whole. "You heard that huh? There's no point in denying it then. So yes, I do think you are extremely attractive." Her honesty made Silva blush. Sky couldn't believe his eyes. He never ever saw Silva blush. Never. But, before he could comment on it and embarrass Silva, headmistress Dowling interrupted: "It might be a good idea for Michelle and Saul to talk in private about everything that just happened. I suggest you and Bloom join me for a walk on Alfea ground, Sky. Shall we go?"

And then there were two.

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