Into the Woods

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Whisper approached the group near the edge of the barrier. Her instincts told her this was a bad idea, but she didn't care for 2 reasons.
1. She wasn't going to leave her friends alone to go near a creature that hasn't been seen in 16 years, and could infect or kill them.
And 2. She would do anything to escape the gossip of the shadow fairy, sure no one knew it was her, she had only talked to Sky, Riven, and her suite mates. But it was only a matter of time before people started asking and putting things together, she was determined to prolong the inevitable.
  " so, What's the plan, Army Barbie?" Aisha asked. The light fairy scoffed " Bloom in curious, did you ask Aisha to come? I don't think you did. And if you didn't ask Aisha to come, and Whisper didn't ask Aisha to come, and I didn't ask Aisha to come.. it's official. No one asked Aisha to come." Stella remarked. Whisper rolled her, 'so rude' " look she here to help, the more help, the easier it is okay Princess?" Stella glared at the silver haired girl " shut it, you Shadow shriek" she snapped. Whisper stopped. Her eyes turned completely black, not an once of another color in them. 'Breathe, you don't want to hurt anyone' and so she did.
     After a moment she caught back up with the group who was now waiting for Terra and Musa to come with the Zanbaq. A couple of minutes later the two approached the group of four. " oh good every one is calm and collected" the empath stated sarcastically. " sorry. I needed help with the Zanbaq, where all good now though" Terra apologized. " so this Zanbaq stuff will knock it out? Just like that?" Whisper wondered, she had never herd of it before it was truly amazing. " uh yeah, that and loads of other things, like prolong the infection, treat wounds, it's actually.." the earth fairy rambled.
     " Lovely, do we know where the barn is?" Stella interrupted, she was growing impatient. " um, yes. North." Terra confirmed.
         The group started to make their way to what is the old barn when Whisper felt something in the shadows, her instincts giving her a warning, she started looking around when she felt a pull. She looked at the group and noticed Musa looking in the same Direction. It was like a trance for them, one you could ignore but something told them not to. As they walked to the side of the barn Terra took Notice of their weird behavior. Musa's eyes turned a bright violet while Whispers once again were consumed by black. "Musa? Whisper? Are you two okay" the earth fairy asked. The two fairies remained unresponsive.
    All of a sudden pain courses through Musa and she topples over in pain screaming. A split second later Whisper falls, the overwhelming darkness of the area, taking a toll on her. Terra started to panic asking what was wrong. " it hurts!" The empath exclaimed. All three fairies look over to see a massacre of bodies, each mauled and burned, scattered like scarps of thanksgiving dinner. Whisper panted heavily, she sensed what did this and that just made her feel worse, it was the work of a Burned one.
     " Guys!, we've got a problem" Terra called to the other half of the group. A few moments later the other three were outside looking the massacre, Aisha had crouched down to try and comfort Whisper who looked like she was going to vomit, or pass out, probably both. The Energy was just to overwhelming.
The groups eyes were drawn to a man laying against the root of a tree. 'Headmaster Silva' Whisper thought, she couldn't form words. " that's Mr. Silva." Terra spoke, expressing the others thoughts.
All of a sudden she felt another pull, but it wasn't for her, it was for Bloom. She wanted to warn her not follow it but all she could manage was  a meek and breathy " Bloom". By some miracle Aisha herd and started asking where bloom went. " alright, we'll look after Mr. Silva and you two look for bloom" Terra ordered devising a plan. Stella nodded and left with Aisha, while Whisper found the strength to stand, she was still panting but she had started getting use to the powerful energy.
    The trio cautiously made their way to the injured specialist, not wanting to spook him further.
    The specialist held up a dagger and pointed it at the girls. Terra held out her arms over the two struggling girl " it's us, Mr Silva , it's Terra Harvey and Musa and Whisper." " I know who you are" responded the man in a rugged pained voice.
    Whisper knelt down and focused on Mr. Silva, her eyes turning black once more as she used her magic to briefly take away his sense of feel just enough to make him drop the dagger, and for Terra to wrap vines around his wrist preventing any harm for anyone.
    " the burned one's cut you, and your infected, but we're gonna help" the earth fairy calmly soothed. The group moved closer to him despite his protest. " just relax Mister, and let us help you, believe me I don't want to stay here any longer than you" Whisper joked. She was feeling loads better, used to the dark energy now. However the same couldn't be said for Musa who was to focused on Silva's fear.
     " Musa?, focus on my emotions, he's scared, I'm not. Whisper hold his head open, so I can pour the Zanbaq in" the brunette said, she was taking full control over the situation and all three were great full for it.
    Silva's eyes turned back to their normal color and Whisper let out a sigh of relief " see that wasn't so bad, now let's get you back to the school" the small fairy said.
    Terra and Whisper pulled one of Silva's arms over their shoulders, while Musa lead the way. Whisper felt the energy depleting and was grateful, now she can focus on Silva. " with your permission sir I can turn of your sense of feeling so you don't have to deal with the pain" she offered, she hated seeing someone in pain, it brought her back to old memories.
    " No .... I'll be .... fine" the specialist panted. Whisper nodded, she understood and can be quite scary, which is why she never did it with out permission unless it was desperately needed. " you must be the shadow fairy Dowling mention" he said again still panting.
    Whisper again nodded " I'm afraid so, but let's save the chit chat for another time and work on keeping you Alive" the shadow fairy said.
  And so the group of four hurriedly made their way back to Alfea.

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