And so the damns break

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" I thought it didn't matter what people thought" Stella repeated Sky's previous point. The specialist was hoping to find out that his girlfriend wasn't the psycho person people thought she was, and that he wasn't mental for staying with her.  To clarify He didn't want Whisper to think he was mental.
   A text on Sky's phone cut the conversation short 'Burned One dead.' It read, it had came from Silva. " they've killed the Burned One" he said looking at his phone, the boy didn't waste anymore time, he paid no mind to the fairy and left to go find his father figure.
   Sky approach Silva who was sitting on a training mat outside. When he got closer he saw that the infection had in fact gotten worse rather then better. Sky's heart dropped ' no' was the only thing he could think. " how do feel?" The boy asked taking a seat next to Silva. The older man never responded and Sky knew why " you said the killed it." Neither one could meet each other's eye, " they did" the headmaster said. " then why are you wounds not healed?" He asked desperately, agin Silva didn't meet the boys blue eyes. " the one they killed mustn't have been the one that attacked me....... clearly, there are more than one of the creature out there." He stated simply, Sky was shocked, more than one? How? Why now after 16 years? And why Silva? " so the battalion will keep looking—" he tried " it's too late Sky" Silva cut in.
" it's over", no it wasn't over. Sky refused to let the man who raised him die just like that. To give up, Silva had always said to never give up and here he was just sitting and waiting for the infection to kill him. Sky had hit the breaking point " you told me to wait." He stated harshly, Silva nodded " it's all there was to do" he sounded so broken, so defeated " and the one thing you always told me about my father was that he died fighting. And now you're just going to lie down and take it? Fuck that!" Sky practically screamed, his anger and frustration coming through as he fight to keep the tears at bay.
   Sky couldn't handle it anymore if no one was going to do something he would. The boy stood up and started to leave " Sky" Silva called. " FUCK THAT" he shouted again walking away to fix his problem, even if it killed him.
Whisper was out in the stone Circle alone, kinda drunk, scared, and overwhelmed. She could feel her magic feeding off of the emotions and she desperately wanted to let some of it out before she lost control.
  ' breathe' she thought ' think of something positive, then use magic' and so she did, she thought about that day by the secret pond and let her eyes go black. A shadow mist took over her hands and started to move around, it shot out of the bowl and moved up her arms.
    She had to stop before she let her emotions over run her. The Silver haired girl bursted into tears, her bottled emotions overflowing like a damn. The fear of hiding, the fear of her nightmares, the fear of her power,
She was sick of being afraid, she wanted to be strong, she truly did. But when the world hates you and wants you dead, how can you be? She just stared at her hands, feeing almost numb until she herd the running of footsteps and her name.
  "Whisp?". Sky. She whipped around to face the blue eyed specialist and what he saw broke his heart. Despite three being so close, he had never, never seen Whisper look this Broken. His little Shadow practically crumbled in front of him.
   " what are you doing out here ?" It was dangerous, he knew that, she knew that but neither of them cared. Whisper faced away from him while Sky tried to approach the fragile girl. The shadow fairy took a deep breath ' someone needs to know'' He needs to know'.
  " hey, little shadow" he called trying to coax her to face him. It worked. Whisper took a deep breath before starting "I'm a Orphan Sky, that's my family story, I don't have one. I grew up in a orphanage until I was twelve, I ran away when I couldn't take the bullying anymore." She fought the tears as best she could " then I -I lived on the streets for a while and that's when I first used my powers, this officer was chasing me , and and I" she chocked a sob. Sky step closer but Whisper just looked down " I killed him Sky, I killed an officer and I locked myself in this mental cage for three days, all of my senses were shut off and it was awful" she broke down.
Sky couldn't hold back any longer, he took the small girl into his arms rocking her back and forth kissing the top of her head. ' my poor little shadow' he thought. Whisper started to speak again " I was scared I lived out in the country, stole clothes and things for four years until Dowling found me, I'm sick of it Sky, I'm sick of being scared all the time" she had calmed down by now. The two parted from the hug, now they made eye contact.
   " I get it" was all he said, looking at him properly Whisper noticed he was wearing his armor. "Why are you wearing Armor?" She had a hunch but she needed to be sure, now it was Sky's turn to look down " Silva is dying. And... the Burned one they killed.....wasn't the right one. It's still out there" Whisper looked at him, she could help him, she will help him.
   " And your planning on fighting it by yourself?" " yeah, well, your not the only crazy person, besides, I can't sit around and do nothing." The fairy smiled " no I get it"
    After she said that Whisper felt the same pull she felt back in the woods. Her eyes turned black when she turned to face the Forest. " Whisp?" The specialist asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. The girls eyes went back to Normal, " you might not have to, I can feel it.  The Burned One Sky it's in the Forest" she said getting a bit panicked. The blonde however darted straight towards the woods not knowing where he was going.
" SKY NO!" Whisper yelled running after him, he couldn't do this alone, she wasn't going to let him get hurt and end up like Silva.
While running she managed to send a text to the Winx chat 'burned one, Forest , help.'  Was all it said.

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