Opening up, when Time flies

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It's been about a week sense that day at the secret pond. Whisper has been more open with her suite mates, minus Stella, they all had a talk about her being a shadow fairy. They all accepted her and promised not to judge her for it, and she couldn't be any more thankful for such amazing girls.
She and Sky hung out every morning by Their tree, did homework, played games, or just talked. He needed a distraction from Silva's condition and she was more than willing to give it. Soon it was as if they were life long friends. She admitted to Sky about some of her nightmares, not all she wasn't ready for that, but some.
She had also talked to Riven whenever he wasn't with Beatrix, or smoking. The two saw each other as a nice banter buddy, they would talk in the halls during passing periods.
  The gossip about the shadow fairy had still been going around, a few people knew by looks that it was her, but none of them knew her name and Whisper was trying to keep it that way.
Whisper was walking with Aisha and Bloom heading to their next class when Bloom stopped to look at the pictures. Again. The silver haired girl sighed, it had become a routine.Bloom would stop and look at the old photos to see if she could find that fairy from her mind, And every day she came up empty.
  " can we not do this again" Aisha pleaded, " yeah we have got like more tardies then Riven now" Whisper agreed. The fire fairy nodded " I know. I know there just are still a few maybes." She pointed to a random girl on the wall "it's hard to see what someone's going to look like when they're old but... see,! If I just squint my eyes and tilt my head, this Farrah Fawcett is a dead ringer. Bloom tried. " that's not the only thing you'll have to squint" the silver haired girl remarked, Aisha chuckled as bloom glared. " there are a lot of fairies in the other world Bloom" The water fairy pointed out. The redhead turned around and faced the two fairies " well you said the most powerful ones come through Alfea, right?" " technically, Alfea looks for magic potential when they admit fairies, but, yes powerful fairies come through the school" Aisha explains.
    Whisper zoned out, she didn't blame Bloom for wanting know, when she first used her powers she wanted to learn control but couldn't find anyone to help her. She searched desperately but, Shadow fairies were practically extinct.
   However what Bloom was doing was getting annoying. Whisper started to just stare out into space until Aisha grabbed her and Bloom's hand dragging them to class, that they now were late for.
" you know what I'm not feeling well today?" Whisper spoke up suddenly. " and why is that the tall fairy question?" Whisper shrugged she didn't want to go to a class and have people stare at her again. " you just go on and I'll see you at lunch yeah?" Aisha sighed but nonetheless nodded.

Sky and Riven were sparring on one of the mats above the creek, swinging their swords trying to disarm one another. Both switching between offensive and defensive, blowing hit after hit. Silva approached the duo " Sky, watch your footwork" he corrected. Riven used this as an opportunity giving a big kick to his gut, and jumping up to hit down on the blonde in front of him.
   Sky blocked it and the two began the dance of swords again, with the occasional kick or two. In the end Riven did a drop kick leaving Sky on the ground.
" Nicely dons Riven" the headmaster praised, he started to limp away using a giant stick for support. The brunette bent down to offer his friend some help, which he took. " does he seem worse to you?" the blue eyes specialist said desperately, "what Riven gets a compliment, and all of a sudden Silva has brain damage?" The green eyed brunette joked.
    The two chuckled and walked over to the bench where a familiar light fairy sat on her phone. " I mean it's been a week since he got infected by the Burned One. I dunno. Maybe I'm overreacting" he decided to address his girlfriend on the matter " what do you think Stel?" The fairy had been totally oblivious to the whole conversation " about what?" "Silva. How does he look to you?".
    " Fine." She stated. Riven scoffed " Dr. Stella coming through with a zero effort diagnosis." The blonde ignore the comment and turned to her boyfriend " are you training later, or are we hanging out before the party?" Sky never responded "Sky" "hmm" she saw his eyes focused on his father figure. "He's fine, Professor Harvey still has him on the Zanbaq, right?" She insisted.
  " yeah but that just manages his symptoms. He won't get better until they kill the Burned One that Attacked him." He voiced. " and there are people out there looking for it. It's not gonna get away from every fairy and Specialist in the otherworld....... I have class. Stop worrying." The fairy said, she kissed his cheek and got up and left for class.
     Rice scooted over " she must be mind blowing right? Or does she do weird shit with her tongue?" Sky looked at his friend  and gave him a confused look " what are you talking about?" Riven laughed " I'm just trying to figure out why the fuck you started things with her again. Like, she's crazy hot, yeah, but the emphasis is squarely on "crazy" he said. He thought for a moment " you know there's this chick I talk to every so often I'd think you like her she-" " Are you talking about me Riv?" Both boys turned around to find Whisper standing in the shadow of the tree.
    Whisper was heading out to her tree when she saw Sky and Riven just talking on the bench. She went through the shadows and walked up behind them. " well I would say I'm flattered but considering who you are I'm not sure" she teased. This caused Sky to laugh and for Riven to send a nasty glare. " she's got you there mate" the blonde stated.
    Riven groaned " don't tell me you two already know each other, Damn I had this whole plan and everything". The two laughed, a look of realization crossed his face " is she what you meant by studying in the morning?" The brunette Smiled. Sky froze as Whisper raised her eye brows. " shut up,Riven!" He said as he pushed the boy off the bench.
The trio laughed and Whisper took the spot in between the boys. She saw Sky Staring at Silva, she frowned. " I know you and Silva are close" she started " yeah we're about it if you ever wanna, like" Riven finished, he tried to sound sincere, he didn't like soppy stuff. " um.... I've got to run Ok?, I'll see you later Whisp" the blonde stated. Whisper nodded she hated seeing her friend like that.
    Whisper turned to Riven " so Riv . What's this parting I keep hearing about?"

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