Moving on

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Sky had managed to carry Whisper to the green house to get some medical attention from professor Harvey, and now the pair waited for Said Professor to return with the Headmistress and Headmaster to explain what happened.
Occasionally a tear would slip out of the Fairy's eyes and Sky was quick to wipe it away pulling her closer to him. It was only a couple minutes before the trio walked back in " oh my" Dowling said approaching the girl, Whisper flinched a bit and scooted closer towards Sky. She knew they meant no harm, it was reflex.
" what happened?" Silva questioned, his voice was lower, darker, angrier. The small girl he saw curled up against the boy he raised was not the girl he knew, the girl that saved his life, the girl that teased him. Though he would never admit it from what he knew of her, he saw her as a daughter of sorts.
Whisper took a deep breath " I was on my way to class, when - when they grabbed me and pulled me into a classroom and" she couldn't finish. The blonde holding her gathered the fairy in his arms and tried to calm her down " the did this to her" he finished, his voice if possible sounded angrier than Silva's did.
" did she see the faces of who did it?" Dowling asked. Sky shook his head. The adults were heart broken at the sight of the girl, she didn't deserve this, she can't control who she is, and the three knew the truth with shadow fairies they were innocent.
" well try and find the people who did this until then you young lady, try not to be alone without your friends alright?" Silva ordered, everyone in the room nodded. " Sky why don't you take her back to her suite, I'm sure her friends are worried" professor Harvey spoke.
The specialist nodding and picked up the petite girl who clung to him like a life line. The halls were empty, just about everyone was at dinner, they made it to the suite and the door was immediately opened by a worrying empath " what happened?" She asked.
And so after putting Whisper in her bed he told the group about the events and how to try and have someone with her outside of the suite. Everyone was to occupied to notice the face Stella had made, she realized just how bad she screwed up.

That was 3 days ago. The group had adjusted, giving Whisper some space, but still being with her most of the day. She was grateful, she didn't want to be alone and risk having that happened again.
Fortunately for her, the gossip had changed to Bloom being a changeling. Not that it was a good thing, but at least people where scared of Bloom enough to not attack her.
Aisha had taken up the apprenticeship for Headmistress Dowling as a favor to Bloom to spy on her. So that's where Whisper and bloom we're headed now for their breakfast . Everyone was staring at them, Whisper because of the Black eye that was fading, and Bloom because well she was Bloom.
The two walked in silence until they made it to Aishas 'office' of sorts. " you haven't found anything?" The fire fairy asked, " I've only been at Callum's desk for two days, Bloom" the tall girl replied " also she is kinda doing you a huge favor, be grateful" Whisper butted in. " oh, come on you didn't take Callum's job for my sake." Bloom stated." isn't that exactly why you took his job, Aisha" Whisper questioned almost in a teasing manner.
   " weird cause I remember you begging me to take it to snoop for Info regarding to your pass" Aisha states, " yeah, that sounds like something I might do, but you also might jump at the chance to get brownie points with miss Dowling" she stated. Whisper faked a cough " suck up", the red hair laughed at the others antics. The water fairy smirked " suck up? Really? And suddenly I've lost the ability to read the files." Bloom chuckled then faked another cough " good friend, who is smart. And beautiful and" " and is t sure she can help" Aisha finishes.
  Whisper zoned out for a bit and started scrolling through her phone seeing a text from Sky. Wonder boy: ' hey, how you feeling? Any trouble?' She smiled, he had gotten super protective of her after the gang up, Whisper didn't mind it was nice to have people care for once. If they were willing to help her, she wasn't going to argue ' just fine, eating lunch before the assembly starts' she responded. Two seconds later her phone ding ' I'm glad, can I walk you to the assembly? Have a bit of Sky and Whisp time' she chuckled at his antics, not many would guess but he can be childish to ' I was thinking of skipping it, we know what it's about, and I don't feel comfortable with Everyone staring at me' it was true.
The assembly was about the recent Burned Ones appearance and the queen herself was coming. Whisper wasn't sure what the queen's opinions were about Shadow Fairies and there was no way she was risking it.
Wonder boy: ' alright then, be safe plz.' By the time the phone conversation had ended the entire Winx group minus Stella were in the room. Laughing and having a good time.

Sky stood at the front of the school next to Stella while they waited for the queens car to arrive. " it's one day, Stel. Half a day" he tried to cheer her up. He knew the horrible relationship the two had with each other, she needed his support right now so he would give it. However he much rather be spending time with a certain Silver haired fairy.
   " half a day of everyone adoring her like she's literally the sun." The light fairy said. " well she is the Queen of Light" the specialist pointed out, the girl barley laughed at that and looked away from him " this whole Burned One assembly she's doing, I know she's really just here to check on my progress" Stella said driving the conversation towards her. Sky knew  how hard this was but she had to open up to more people other than him " did you tell some of your suitemates you needed a buffer? I'm sure some of them could use a distraction" he didn't want to bring Whisper into this explicitly, but her and Blooms world had just crashed.
     Stella looked at him like he was crazy " I don't need them I've got you." Sky sighed, he wanted her to reach out, make her see she wasn't alone, but she had to do that herself. Their conversation was cut short when a series of vehicles pulled into the gates.
   " look, I'll check in later." She smiled " I'm a text away, and you can handle this, and you can handle her" he responded. With that the specialist made his way to his dorm, taking the outside path before the assembly. Leaving the princess to deal with her mother.

Annndd we are back on track! Let me know in the comments what you think so far, reading them really makes my day knowing y'all enjoy the book.

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