" Stay. Away. From. Her."

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That's how the past few days went. Intense drills, Ethan yelling at Whisper when they messed up, Him taking all the credit when they succeed. Whisper was fed up, she was frustrated, angry, tired, she wanted someone to hug her tell her it was okay, she wanted Sky. No could tell she was struggling, if there was one thing Whisper did best it was hide the truth, she had to.
Unfortunately for the shadow fairy her Blonde Wonder boy was busy spying and training with a certain fire fairy. Whisper wasn't mad, but she was jealous. Her and Sky haven't seen each other in days, and Silva's pushing him towards bloom that he never texts.
Most days the girl would sneak into the shadows and avoid class. Her suite mates started to worry about her. It was just like when she first met them, just a shadow.

Sky wasn't feeling to different, every time he saw her, his heart aches and burned with jealously against Ethan for getting to spend so much time with her, with longing to hold her with him, with regret for not talking to her to focused on the mission he was given.
He wanted nothing more than to see his shadow but whenever he was able to get time to himself Silva would ask for a report, or Bloom would want to get some extra training. Then when he would look for her he never saw her. He was a bit of a reck, never paying attention, always a step behind when fighting, his hair was a mess. You could tell he needed his shadow, his outlet from being the perfect fighter, model, boy.

Today during training Ethan was extra pissed, Whisper guessed he got blown off by some slut he was meant to shag, but that's her theory. The two were doing yet another sparring session and Ethan landed on his ass again. " why don't you two take a break" Silva suggested, he saw how exhausted she looked, he couldn't blame her. It was obvious who did the work, and who didn't.
The pair had walked off to a secluded spot. No one was around, Ethan instantly pushed Whisper up against the wall forcing out a gasp " What the fuck?!" She yelled. The ass was quick to put a hand over her mouth " you little bitch! Making me look fucking bad In front of the head master! I'm going to teach you a lesson!". Whisper snapped, she could only take so much shit, if there was one thing Sky taught her is that she could be strong. So for him she would be.
The small girl used her strength and pushed Ethan off her, she then kicked him. Hard. Causing the boy to fall, but that didn't stop her " you think I'm weak Ethan?" She asked her voice had a glint of evil to it. She kicked him, punched him, stomped on him, it was like some dark part inside her had finally broken free.
"Whisper! Enough!" A voice yelled, snapping herself out of whatever trance she was in. She looked over and saw Sky. Her eyes widened ' no, no , no , he'll think I'm a monster' she was to panicked to hear the jackass get up behind her raising his fist.
Sky had noticed and quickly rushed over pushing the dumbstruck Whisper behind him. He then grabbed Ethan's fist and twisted his arm, " you listen here mate. You so has much lay a hand on her silver little head, and I swear to you you won't ever see the light of day. Now I'm going to let you go, and your going to run and if I see you anywhere near her be carful" Sky spoke, his voice was dangerous dark and serious. Ethan nodded frantically, and Sky released him. Watching him scatter away, once he was out of sight Sky focused his attention on the very distraught Shadow fairy " Whisp" he whispered. The girl looked at him in fear, and then sprinted off.

  Whisper couldn't think, she just had to run, she couldn't look at Sky. Sky said your strong not a monster she kept on thinking about what she did, how she didn't stop, how she didn't register what she was doing. She was now no better than anyone who did it to her. She finally believed she was the Monster everyone thought she was. Tears pulled from her eyes, her vision became blurry. It was then she noticed where she finally was.
    It was the hidden pond Sky brought her to one of the first months they were here. The Same canoe by the docks, the picnic table under the big oak tree. It was just as beautiful as she remembered it. However no matter how pretty the scenery was, her fear, sadness, regret, jealousy and anger started to take hold.
   The small girl could feel the shadows reaching out to her, just like they did when she was 12. Her eyes started to turn pure black, as the fog like substance coated her hands. Whispers breathing was erratic, her heart pounding, a ringing in her hears.
    " Whisper!" A voice called out. It was calm comforting, soft and gentle " it's me Sky, your Sky" the specialist started taking small steps towards the frightened fairy. " I know your scared, little shadow, it's okay I'm right here" Whisper he turned to face the boy she had come to love. " I'm a monster" she breathed, the silver haired girl had gained control of her breathing and was slowly calming down.
   " your the furthest thing from a monster Whisper, what you did was self defense, he was an ass I saw the whole thing love, don't think your a monster cause you lost control. Your a smart, loving, badass, funny, talented fairy who has so much shit out on her because of who you are." He ranted, there Was so much love in his words Whisper could feel how much he cared for her, every word made her feel warm inside, safe, wanted. By now the shadows had gone away, and the two were practically breathing on each other " your my little shadow, your so strong for the world, for me, let me help you. Fuck the world for what it's done, Whisper you bring light into my life despite who you are, and that is why-" he couldn't finish it, it just stared down at the small girl.
  " That is why-" he tried again, Whisper looked up at him " why what Sky?" The tall blonde sighs " oh fuck it" and with that he put their lips together. Whisper tensed just for a second, until she started to kiss back. All the passion, the longing, the love was pushed into that kiss, Whispers small frame disappeared in Sky's arms as he held her close to him, their lips moved in sync.
    They say when you kiss the one there are fireworks, that everything just clicks into place, it's only you and them in the world. But for those two, it wasn't that at all. It was like the joy you get after finding something you lost, the safety of your own home, the feeling of being complete. There were no fireworks, it was as if all the stars in the universe exploded, leaving just the two of them.
     When the broke apart for air bright blue eyes met swirling chocolate ones " That is why I love you, little Shadow, since that day I saw you across the courtyard" Sky whispers leaning is forehead on top of her head. Whisper was beaming, so this is love " I love you Wonder Boy, from the moment I laid eyes on you" she whisper back.
    The shadow fairy didn't think his smile could grow any bigger, but somehow it did.
" then I have one last question to ask you." He proclaimed , " and that would be?" She questioned. " Will you Whisper the shadow fairy, keeper of my heart, my little shadow, do me the honor in becoming my girlfriend?" He asked.
   Now it was Whispers turn to smile like the Cheshire Cat, she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him again. Only this time it was softer, sweeter. " of course, anything for my Wonder boy". She answered, sky smiled and kissed the top of her head.
The rest of the evening was spent, holding , kissing and hugging, between the newly formed couple, both teens were on cloud nine.
Love never holds boundaries on who it affects, weather good or bad, small or little, Love makes us belong. Even if it's just with that one special person, that's all it takes to feel like your world has come crashing down and the only people who survived where you and them. It's love that makes you do crazy things.
   For the shadow Fairy and specialist, it would be the reason they finally found a home, and the reason they could loose it.

A/N— EEEEEEEEEE THEY KISSED!! I finally have brought Whisky together!! I hope I have redeemed myself from straying so far from the series. But now we have a couple, and we are back on track with the Tv show!!!
I hope y'all enjoy💕💕💕💕✨✨

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