Valiant 3: Startling Surprise

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Elizabeth's POV:

          To say I fell asleep easily would be a lie. Most of the night was spent staring at the ceiling and playing the outcomes of tomorrow's match in my head. The outcomes varied, the bad outweighing the good.  My thoughts were interrupted by a rapped knocking at my door.

"Come in," I bellowed, sitting up in my bed. Merlin's head pocked into my door, his eyes wide and frantic.

"Elizabeth," He breathed, his eyes finding mine, "Quickly, you must come with me to see Arthur."

"Merlin, what's going on," I asked, a bit concerned.

"I'll explain when we get to Arthur's," he instructed, dragging me out of bed. I grabbed my robe hanging on a chair and hastily followed after my brother, to Arthur's room.

"Arthur," Merlin yelled, as he frantically knocked on the door, "ARTHUR."

"What! What is so important that you needed to wake me up," Arthur sternly asked, throwing to door open, his eyes full of rage. His face calmed when he saw me standing there along with Merlin. "What's going on?"

"Arthur, Valiant is cheating to win, he is using an enchanted shield," Merlin explained, pushing past the prince and entering the chambers. Arthur and I followed behind him, a look of concern and confusion written on our faces.

"Merlin what are you talking about," I asked calmly.

"This," Merlin pulled out a snake's head from his pocket, placing it on the table in front of us. Arthur's eyes widened at the sight, he slowly sat down at the head of the table, taking the snake's head in his hands. 

"Where did you get this," Arthur asked, his blue eyes boring into my brothers.

"The armory, I was snooping around when it popped out of the shield and tried to strike me," He explained, "I used a sword to cut its head off."

"You," Arthur questioned, earning a nod from my brother. "You chopped its head off?"

"Ewan was bit by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant," Merlin explained, "You can talk to Gaius. You can see the puncture wounds on Ewan's neck where the snake bit him."

I looked at Arthur, watching as his face changed from a look of fear to one of confusion.

"Ewan was beating him! He had to cheat," Merlin exclaimed.

"Valiant wouldn't dare use magic in Camelot," Arthur explained, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. 

"Ewan was pinned under Valiant's shield. No one could see the snake bite him," Merlin added.

"I don't like the guy, but that doesn't mean he's cheating," Arthur spoke tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

"Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom. When Ewans conscious he'll tell you what happened," Merlin sputtered, "If you fight Valiant in the final, he'll use the shield. It's the only way he can beat you."

Arthur went on shaking his head in disbelief.

"Look at it," Merlin ordered, taking the snake head into his hands. "Have you ever seen a snake like this in Camelot?"

Arthur took the snake in his hands, studying it.

"I know I am just a servant, and my word doesn't count for anything" Merlin breathed, " But, I wouldn't lie to you."

"I want you to swear to me," Arthur began," What you are telling me is true."

"I swear it's true," Merlin spoke softly.

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