The Gates of Avalon 2: The Strange Girl

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Arthur's POV:

            I stood against one of the many pillars in the throne room, seeing Elizabeth's chair vacant next to my father's throne, which he currently sat upon. I reminisced on what I said to Amelia. I promised that I would find Elizabeth and I intended to keep that promise. I already lost Elizabeth once, I did not intend on losing her again. After her kingdom was completely destroyed so many years ago, we searched the remains for any survivors. I can recall the feeling of my hope diminishing as the days passed by with no luck. It was as though all life in the kingdom had disappeared, taking Elizabeth with it. I never want to feel the way I did then, completely hopeless, drained of energy, and my heart, completely crushed. So this time, I made it my life goal to find her and bring her back home where she belonged, with me. But sadly, my search was taking a current pause, for standing before me and my father was Sophia and her father. 

"My name is Aulfric, heir of Tirmawr," the old man before us spoke. He then gestured to his daughter. "This is my daughter Sophia."

"You're a long way from home," my father stated. "What brings you to Camelot?"

"Our home was sacked by raiders. We barely escaped with what few possessions we could carry," Aulfric explained.

"These are dangerous times," my father responded with a nod. "What will you do?"

"We travel west to Caerleon where we have family, and, I hope, a new life," Aulfric responded.

"You must stay here a while, break your journey," My father suggested. "A noble family like yours is always welcome in Camelot."

            The two smile graciously, bowing before my father before being escorted to their temporary chambers. I was about to depart as well but was stopped.

"Arthur," My father spoke, grabbing my attention.

"Yes father," I asked approaching his throne.

"Any sign of her," he asked. I sighed, shaking my head sadly. My father sighed, rising from his throne and placing a caring hand on my shoulder. "You will find her. I'm sure of it."

"I'm starting to believe she doesn't want to be found," I stated softly.

"Every damsel needs their prince charming to save them, son," He stated with a smile, I chuckle. I never really saw Elizabeth as a damsel in need of saving. Though she has come close to dying several times in the past, she always seemed to shake it off as though nothing happened. She has never needed me to save her in the past. So what makes this time different? The answer to that question is simple. For this time the enemy she is running from is herself. This time she needs me more than ever. For she is trapped in the darkness of her past and has no idea how to escape it. So if she needs me to save her from herself, then why did she run from me?

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Morgana's POV:

            The moment her eyes met mine a chill ran down my spine. Those eyes that haunted my dreams. The eyes that watched Arthur drown deeper and deeper into the water. Merlin stood beside her, handing her some wool blankets. She said a quick thank you before departing into her temporary room. I hastily made my way over to Merlin, taking hold of his arm.

"Who is that," I asked.

"Sophia Tirmawr," He replied. "We rescued her in the woods. Well, Arthur did most of the rescuing."

"She can't stay here," I stated sternly.

"Well, the king said that she and her father were welcome in Camelot," Merlin spoke. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," I spoke, shaking off the jitters that currently ran through my body. "Thank you."

            I departed from Merlin swiftly, making my way to the physician's quarters. I barged into the room, the old wooden door, slamming into the wall. Gaius jumps, turning to face me.

"I'm sorry," I spoke softly. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Nonsense my child," Gaius replied with a smile. "You are always welcomed."

            My eyes scanned the room, taking in the mess. Books were sprawled over the table, papers covered the floor. Ingredient bottles were knocked over, the contents spilling out. Yet, out of all there was only one thing that had my true attention.

"Sorry about the mess," Gaius spoke. "Most of it is Merlin's. If I had known you were coming, I'd have tidied up in here."

"It's not that," I spoke, returning my gaze to the physician. "It's just... your bench is on fire."

"My bench is on fire," Gaius repeated. His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. He slowly turned to see that what I was saying was in fact true. "My bench is on fire!"

           He quickly scurried around the room, grabbing a bowl of water and splashing it on the flames.

"You're always getting me in trouble," He commented, causing me to smile. Once the flames were extinguished he returned his attention to me. "What brings you to this dark corner?"

"I had another dream," I stated softly.

"I see," Gaius spoke. Gaius was the only one I had told about my dreams. I felt that he was truly the only person I could trust.

"I saw Arthur lying underwater, drowning," I explained. "And there was a woman standing over him, watching him die. And she's here in Camelot."

"The mind plays tricks," Gaius stated. "It borrows from everyday life and plays out its own fantasies."

"But I had this dream before she came to Camelot," I explained further.

"You must be mistaken," Gaius said with a shake of his head.

"I know what I saw," I replied. "It was so real, so vivid. I saw him die, Gaius. She's going to kill him."

"These are just dreams, Morgana, nothing more," Gaius reassured me. "Are you taking the sleeping draught I made up for you?"

"It doesn't help," I said with a shake of my head. Gaius sighed, walking over to one of his many shelves.

"Here," He spoke, pulling down a vial. "It will induce a deeper sleep. You've nothing to fear."

"Thank you, Gaius," I said with a smile, embracing the physician. With that, I began to depart.

"Morgana," Gaius spoke, stopping me in my tracks. "Don't bother Uther about this. No need to worry him."

            I nodded in agreement, opening the door and exiting the room.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now