Lancelot 3: You are Not Alone

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Elizabeth POV:

            Screams... That's what pulled my attention away from my book, horrified, ear-piercing screams. I let the book I was reading fall from my lap and onto the floor as I rose from my seat and hurtled out of my bedroom chambers. I rushed through the palace halls, sprinting out into the courtyard and into town. When I reached the kingdom gates I was horrified by what I saw. People were flooding in, battered, bruised, and bleeding, soot covering their clothes. 

            The faint cries of a child are what pulled my attention away from the forming crowd. I looked to my left, finding a little girl, who looked no older than three, huddled against a wall, a small teddy bear clutched tightly against her chest. I rushed over to the child, who cowered away from my approaching form.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay," I reassured the child, crouching down to her level. "You're safe now. I promise."

           To my surprise the child ran to me, jumping into my arms, soft whimpers escaping her cracked lips. She was covered in ash, and several cuts and bruises were scattered across her pale face. There was a large gash on her left arm, nothing too serious, but it would be best if it was clean. Other than that she appeared to be fine.

"Can you tell me your name," I asked gently.

"Amelia," She whimpered, causing my heart to break Amelia.

"Amelia, can you tell me where your parents are," I asked kindly. I watched as her eyes welled up with tears, a small cry escaping her lips.

"My mom... she.. she got trapped in the house," She stuttered, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "Da... Daddy said to wait outside while he got mommy. He-e went inside and the roof fe-fell. They didn't co-come o-out. The wing-ged m-monster destroyed m-my h-home."

            My heart completely shattered at her words. I took her shaking form into my arms, letting her place her head against my shoulder.

"What happened to these people," Came a concerned voice. I looked up, my eyes meeting a pair of dark brown ones. I recognized the man that stood before me as Lancelot, the man Arthur so rudely embarrassed earlier today.

"Their village was attacked by a winged monster," I explained to him. I gathered up Amelia into my arms, rising from my crouched position on the ground.

"Is she all right," Lancelot asked, his eyes shifting to the fragile child in my arms.

"A bit shaken up, but she'll be fine," I reassured, I turned on my heel, making my way back to the castle with Amelia clutched closely against my chest.

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Arthur's POV:

            I stood on the balcony with my father, overlooking the courtyard below. People in a hurry to help those who just entered the kingdom. I could remember their faces as I passed by the large crowd on my way to the castle to discuss with my father the matters at hand. Tired, frightened, and sad, were only a few emotions I could detect.

"I'd hunt this thing down if I could, but I cannot track a creature through the air," I spoke calmly.

"You don't have to track it," My father stated sternly. "First Greensward, then Willowdale. The creatures heading south, towards the mouth of the valley."

"To Camelot," I said with a sigh.

"You must prepare your knights, Arthur," Father spoke.

"Have faith father, we'll be ready," I said confidently, my father nodded, departing from the balcony. Leaving me to look over the courtyard alone. My eyes caught sight of Elizabeth, hurriedly making her way through the busy yard, a child clutched closely against her chest. I smiled to myself, seeing the way Elizabeth looked at the child in her arms. 

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Elizabeth's POV:

            I took Amelia to my chambers, where I had her bathed, clothed, and tucked in to rest after the long day she's had. She was like me when I was young. Lost, alone, and afraid for what may come. The only difference was she remembered all that happened, she watched her parents die, something she will never un-see. Something that shall haunt her nightmares for the rest of her life. Whereas I don't even remember what my parents looked like. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a gentle knock on my door. 

"Who is it," I called softly, being careful not to wake the sleeping child.

"It's Arthur," I let out a long sigh, recalling the conversation we had earlier today. I walked over to the large oak doors, opening them to find the prince standing at attention outside.

"Yes," I whispered. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to see if you were okay," Arthur explained.

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be," I asked with a chuckle.

"Well, I just thought that with all that is going on, maybe some memories may have resurfaced," He stated softly, his eyes full of concern. 

"No, nothing," I sighed. "Thank you for your concern."

"Is she okay," Arthur asked, gesturing to Amelia, who was sleeping peacefully. I looked back at the little girl lying on my bed, curled up in a tight ball, her brown curls sprawled across the pillow.

"She's just like me," I whispered. "She lost everything, the place she grew up in, the people she loved, all of it gone within a matter of seconds and with it her innocence. She's lost and alone, just like me."

          Arthur's hand grabs hold of mine, clutching it tightly as though his life depended on it. He then firmly placed it against his chest, right above his beating heart. His eyes meet mine, sparkling slightly when the light hits them just right.

"You may have once been lost, but I can assure you, you were never alone," He said softly, taking his other hand and brushing a strand of hair out of my face. "I never stopped looking for you after your kingdom was attacked.  There was a part of me that knew you were still alive, somewhere out in the world. You've always had me, Ellie, even when you were lost you had me."

            I blushed at his words, feeling butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. His words brought me comfort and cause a warm feeling to take over my body.

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