The Gates of Avalon: Still No Sign of You

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Morgana's POV:

           A limp body, covered in chainmail and armor floats limply in murky water. The face of the body comes into view. Pale peach skin, long blonde lashes, and a head of dirty blonde hair could be seen. I recognized him, for I grew up with him. It was Arthur, his body sinking deeper and deeper into the water. I tried to reach for him, yet he was just out of reach. I looked up, seeing a face lying just above the surface of the water. The face of a girl. She didn't make any action in helping the prince. Instead, she just stood there, watching as he sank, a smile spreading across her face.

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"Arthur," I gasped, my eyes flying open, being greeted by rays of light peeking through the open curtains. I was lying on my bed, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead.  It was all just a dream. And yet it felt so real. I sat up in my bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest, my breathing was uneven and shaky. 

            I have had nightmares before, yet none like that. None that made me feel so frightened. It felt as though I was there in the water, floating alongside the prince. Watching as he sank deeper and deeper into the darkness of the water. It was so real and yet it was just a dream.

"It was just a dream," I reassured myself out loud, my breathing returning to normal, my pounding heart calming.

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Arthur's POV:

            It's been three days since Elizabeth disappeared. Three days since she ran away from me. Three days since she called herself a monster. The fire that overtook the forest had been put out by the rain. Leaving the forest floor and trees completely black. The life of the forest that was once green and bright now burned away, only ash being left in its place. Thankfully, only a portion of the forest had burned that night, there were still acres left that were left untouched. We searched all night, yet there was no sign of Elizabeth anywhere. It was as though she disappeared, leaving no traces of her behind. Yet, the search never ceased, I would not return to the castle till she was safe in my arms.

            But, being away from the castle had its disadvantages. Instead of food being served on a silver platter, we had to hunt for it ourselves. Cooking our gains over an open campfire. So here I was, crossbow in hand. There, standing two yards away from me, was a deer. The innocent creature was completely unaware of my presence, grazing on some grass. I raised the crossbow, taking aim. I took a deep inhale, holding my breath, my finger hovering over the trigger.

"What is it," Merlin exclaimed, slamming into me. I groaned in annoyance, watching as the deer runs away.

"You really are a total buffoon, aren't you Merlin," I yelled, turning to face the scrawny servant.

"I was just asking," he replied.

"Who? Me or the deer," I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

"We are supposed to be hunting," I stated. "It requires speed, stealth, and an agile mind."

"So you're able to get by on two out of three then," Merlin commented under his breath. I was about to hit the servant, the scrawny boy getting on my last nerve. Yet my actions were paused, for a shill scream erupted from within the forest. The scream of a woman.

"What was that," Merlin asked.

"Quiet," I whispered. 

"Help," came the frightened voice.

"What if it's Elizabeth," Merlin suggested. We made our way through the woods, following the frightened screams.

            We came to a clearing in the middle of the forest, a bit of sadness washed over me. For it was not Elizabeth who screamed for help, but an old man and a girl. The two were being attacked by a group of pillagers. I looked over at Merlin, my eyes landing on my still-loaded crossbow. I quickly took hold of the weapon, raising it and aiming for one of the attacker's backs. I place my finger on the trigger, taking a deep breath before pulling it. The arrow flies swiftly, finding its place in the attacker's back. The other pillagers stop attacking the two defenseless people, turning their attention towards me.

            I dropped the crossbow, pulling my sword out of its sheath. Preparing for a fight. The men start charging toward me, swinging their swords wildly. I block their attacks with ease. I elbow one in the chin, sending him falling back onto the forest floor. Another attacker charges forward, his sword clashing with mine. Yet even he can not match my sword skills. I turn to face the last man standing, yet I find him retreating in fear.

"And let that be a lesson to you," Merlin yelled to the frightened pillager, who disappeared into the darkness of the forest. I turned to face him, my eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "What? I was covering your back."

            I shook my head and turned my attention to the girl and old man. The two were holding each other in a strong embrace. I approached the two slowly, hoping not to startle them after the dangers they just faced.

"You all right," I asked the two. The girl turned away from who I only suspect was her father and faced me. A pair of bright blue eyes meet mine, followed by a sweet smile. "They didn't hurt you?"

"No," she replied softly. "Thanks to you."

            She was beautiful. Her gaze was mesmerizing, I couldn't bring myself to look away from her eyes. Her skin was pale, like freshly fallen snow, nothing like Elizabeth's. Elizabeth's was tan, darkened by the sun.  Her lips were a pale pink and thin, whereas Elizabeth's were darker and full. 

"I am Sophia," She spoke softly. She then turned and faced the old man. "This is my father."

"Arthur Pendragon," I replied. "At your service."

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            Returning to Camelot was painful. For we returned without Elizabeth. It was painful to see Gaius's disappointed face as we entered the gates of the palace. For a moment, his face was full of joy, for he caught sight of Sophia, believing that she was Elizabeth. Yet as we got closer, that smile turned into a frown.

            I was now walking through the quiet halls of the castle, alone with my thoughts. Yet my thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tug on my shirt. I turned around, a bit surprised by who I saw. Little Amelia, with her big bright blue eyes, stood behind me. 

"Did you find her," She mumbled. I knew she was talking about Elizabeth, the glint of hope in her eyes pains me.  I kneel down before her, my eyes meeting hers.

"I promise you, we shall find her," I reassured. Amelia only nodded, her hope-filled eyes tearing up slightly. The poor girl saw Elizabeth as her own mother. Ever since Elizabeth took her in that day, Amelia was by her side. Elizabeth had us convert the chambers next to her into a child's room so Amelia could have her own space.

"She left me. Didn't she," Amelia whimpered. I quickly shook my head, embracing the young child in my arms.

"No. She just needs some time is all. She will be back as soon as you know it," I spoke gently. I truly hoped that my words were true.

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