Lancelot 6: The Griffin

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Elizabeth's POV:

"You said your knights were the best in the land. You proved that today," Uther spoke as we made our way through the palace halls.

"All I know is that it's still out there," Arthur spoke.

"Then let's not wait for it. The kingdom has been menaced by this creature for too long," Uther spoke. "We finish this now."

"Sire," came an old voice from behind us. We all turned to find Gaius standing there with Merlin behind him. "If I may..."

"Gaius," Uther spoke, nodding for the physician to continue.

"I've been researching this creature, sire. I believe it to be a griffin," Gaius spoke. I looked over to Arthur who was staring at the physician, waiting for him to explain.

"A griffin? What's in a name," Uther spoke, sounding confused.

"The griffin is a creature of magic," Gaius explained, Uther scoffed.

"I don't have time for this, physician," Uther stated sternly.

"It is born of magic, sire. And it can only be killed by magic," Gaius spoke, yet Uther was having none of it.

"You are mistaken. It's a creature of flesh and blood like any other," Uther stated, his face contorting into one of annoyance. "Arthur proved that today."

"I'm not so sure, father," Arthur spoke up. "I think there may be some truth in what he says."

"What truth," Uther asked sternly, his voice deep and onimous. 

"The griffin was unharmed, sire. Our weapons seemed useless against it," Arthur explained, Uther just shook his head.

"Useless? I think not," Uther spoke.

"But it is true, sire. Arthurs weapon wasn't even able to stab the beast, let alone scratch it. Instead the spear broke on impact with it," I tried to explain, but Uther ignored me.

"No, it's tasted our steel once. The next time will be its last," Uther said. "When will your knights be ready to ride again?"

"An hour, maybe two," Arthur stated softly. 

"Good," Uther spoke. "We finish this tonight."

            With that the king left, leaving me, the frightened prince, my brother, and the physician to look at one another, hoping that one of us had a plan. 

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            After a long while of standing in silence Arthur suddenly got a look of determination across his face. He stormed off in a fit of rage. I quickly exchanged a look with Merlin and Gaius before hurriedly following him. He weaved through the halls with me in tow, his feet hitting the stone floor harshly. We then took a stairway down into the dungeon that lay below the castle. With five long strides, he came face to face with Lancelot's cell door, which he had a guard open for him.

            Lancelot sat with his back to the far wall, his hair tousled, his face dirty. His eyes rose from the floor to us, widening in surprise.

"I should have known. How could I have been so stupid," Arthur spoke, venom lacing his words. "You don't sound like a knight. You don't even look like a knight."

"I'm sorry," Lancelot stated, bowing his head sincerely.

"I'm sorry too," Arthur sighed. "Because, Lancelot, you fight like a knight. And I need--. Camelot needs--."

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