The Remedy To Cure All Ills 3: A Miracle

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Arthurs POV:

            I sat impatiently at Elizabeth's bedside, waiting anxiously for Edwin to arrive with his cure. The cure that would hopefully heal poor Ellie from the mysterious illness that has overtaken her. My father stood by the window, looking out over the city below. He had not spoken once since we entered Elizabeth's chambers, keeping his thoughts on the matter at hand to himself. Gaius sat on the opposite side of Elizabeth's bed, a look of guilt and disappointment written across his face. I held Elizabeth's small hand in mine, my eyes fixed on her pale complexion. Even while in a deep slumber, she still looked as beautiful as ever. My attention was pulled away from the peacefully sleeping girl to the door, where a knock was heard. The door was then gently opened, revealing Merlin carrying several boxes and Edwin the physician following closely behind him.

"Put my equipment over there," Edwin instructed my servant. Merlin did as he was told, putting the boxes on the bedside table. Edwin then looked at my father, bowing before him before speaking.

"Sire, I would be grateful if you could have everyone leave the room. I require peace and privacy," Edwin spoke softly. 

"Certainly," My father nodded, he then ushered all of us to leave the room. I took one last look at Elizabeth, brushing away a strand of hair that lay upon her face. I then rose from my seat beside her bed, placing a gentle kiss upon her forehead before following after everyone else.

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            We waited for what felt like an eternity in the hall outside of Elizabeth's chambers. None of us dared to utter a single word, we were all too busy listening, trying to hear what was going on beyond the chamber doors. I prayed silently to myself, begging that a miracle would take place. That the cure would be successful and Elizabeth would return back to her original self. The large door to the chambers opened, revealing a smiling Edwin.

"Great news, your majesty," Edwin announced. "You will be glad to hear it is not an inflammation of the brain."

"What is it then," My father asked.

"It is a cerebral hemorrhage," Edwin spoke.

"Hemorrhage," Gaius repeated, not believing what he was hearing. "I don't think so."

"I found this trace of blood in her ear," Edwin stated. He reached into his cloak pocket, taking out an off-white handkerchief, which did indeed have blood on it.

"God in Heaven," My father uttered.

"The severity depends upon the site and volume of the bleed," Edwin continued to explain. "If not treated, it can lead to coma and eventually death."

"How could you have missed this," My father asked, his eyes focused on Gaius.

"I didn't see any blood," Gaius stated sternly.

"Please. Just thank the fates that you did not administer more rosemary to stimulate the circulation," Edwin spoke, grinning at Gaius ever so slightly. "Can you imagine what that might have done?"

"It may have increased the bleed," Gaius spoke bluntly.

"Is there a cure," My father asked.

"See for yourself," Edwin stated, gesturing for us to follow him into the chambers. I didn't waste any time, barging past Edwin to see Elizabeth for myself.  I was surprised and released to see her awake and well. She was sitting up, her back leaning against the headboard. At the sight of me, her eyes lit up, a smile spreading across her face.

"Elizabeth," I exclaimed, rushing over to her and taking her into my arms.

"This is truly a miracle," My father stated.

"I thought--- I really thought," I stuttered, my mind going a million miles per minute.

"You won't get rid of me that easily," Ellie chuckled.

"What exactly did he give you," Gaius asked from beside me.

"I have no idea," Elizabeth said with a shrug. "But that Heaven he did."

            My prays had been answered, a miracle did take place. A miracle that brought my Ellie back to me. She was awake, her smile beaming, her eyes sparkling. I felt relief knowing that she was healthy.

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            We decided it would be best for Elizabeth to stay in bed, having just awakened from a deep comatose state. I of course stayed with her, not wanting to leave her side any time soon. I laid with her in bed, her head resting gently against my chest. She listened intently as I read her a novel, my unoccupied hand playing with her hair. 

"How did you react," Elizabeth spoke, I looked down at her confused.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"When you found out I was ill. How did you react," She further explained. I sighed, setting the book down. 

"I was terrified," I softly spoke. "Seeing you lying there, unmoving, the color drained from your face... It scared me to death... I've come so close to losing you so many times and each time is like a stab to the heart."

            She lifted her head off my chest, looking up at me, her hazel eyes boring into mine.

"I've lived a life without you in it and I never want to go back to it," I continued. "I never want to have to imagine a life where I don't get to see you smile each day. A life without your sparkling hazel eyes or your contagious laugh. Cause life without you is like a life without light, completely dark. You are the light in my life and I can not stand the thought of losing you."

            She smiled, throwing her leg over mine to the point she was straddling my lap. She took my face into her soft hands, her eyes beaming.

"You will never have to live a life without me again," She reassured me. "I will never leave you because I too can not live without you."

            I smiled, pulling her against me by the small of her back, placing my lips gently upon hers. She smiled into the kiss, deepening it. She truly was the light in my life. Before her, I was living in a world of darkness, but now everything is eluminated.


Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now