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It has been a week since that incident happened. That man was murdered in front of my eyes and I could not do anything. Today, we are going to Mrs Bhatia to give my statement. The last week went as usual. During the starting, somewhere in the heart, there used to be a bit fear of what if he comes searching for us or tries to harm us, but there was no sign of that man. He never even tried to enquire about me and I am happy about that. Maybe he forgot that there was an eye witness of his crime or maybe he is overconfident that I can not do anything against him. But this overconfidence of his is going to be the reason of his downfall, for I am not going to sit quietly. During the whole last week, I lived my life as if nothing has happened. I went to work normally, I and Sejal talked casually and we even went to some public places, for I knew that he won't take the step of harming me in public. Here I am, sitting in my room thinking about the past happenings, that's when I heard Sejal calling me.

''Hmm, tell what happened.'' I asked her.
''Nothing. It is just that I wanted to ask you if you are ready or not. If you are ready, so we can leave right away and meet Richa di.'' She replied.
''Yeah, I am ready. Let me bring my hand bag and then we can leave.''

Mrs Richa Bhatia or Richa di as Sejal prefers to say, is the journalist we have told our story to. She did agree to help us but since she was out of town, we had to wait for this one week. She reached Mumbai yesterday and asked us to meet her in the morning today as soon as possible. She is a great soul, a lovely human being. I have met her once only when she invited Sejal at her home for lunch. Her son studies in Sejal's class and is equally well mannered child. Sejal took me along with her to their place and we were warmly welcomed. She chitchatted along with us as if a long lost friend and the food she prepared was awesome. I instantly took a liking towards her and Sejal started calling her di afterwards.

We reached her studio at around 8 am in the morning. She greeted us with that pleasant smile of hers.

''Good morning, Richa di/ Mrs Bhatia.'' Sejal and I greeted her.
''Good morning Sejal, good morning Riddhima.'' She wished us back smiling and led us to the waiting room. The room was a small one with green coloured walls. There were three sofas and a small centre table. Once we settled down, she started asking us the questions.
''You have to tell me each and everything from the beginning to the end ok. Let's start.'' She told us and we nodded.
''So first of all, tell me were both of you present there at the crime scene?''
''No Richa di, it was Riddhima only. I was at my work place as usual. She was the one who witnessed everything.'' Sejal replied.
''Ok, no problem. Riddhima, all the other questions would be directed to you.''
''Ok ma'am.'' I said.
''Ok, tell me how did you reach that place?''

I answered all her questions one by one and she noted down everything on a notepad. At last when her questions were over, she said we would be going to the studio for recording everything so that the news channel can play the audio recording so that nothing looks fake.

''This time, no one can save Vansh Raisinghania. He will get what he deserves. Last time when such news was run on our channel, he and his men claimed it to be fake, but this time he won't be able to do anything. Come with me.''

I nodded and went inside the studio with her whereas Sejal waited for us in the waiting room only. After an hour or so, we finished the recording. Bidding her goodbye and thanking her for the help, we left for our home. Now you see Mr Raisinghania what happens next.

We reached home and Sejal switched on the TV in a hope to find my interview on the channel and to our dismay, there was none. We switched it off and since it was a sunday morning, none of us had to go for work so we just retired to our rooms. I decided to arrange my entire wardrobe again. One by one, I took out all my clothes and put them on the bed. Folding them precisely, I kept them in my almirah. In around an hour, I was done. Just then I heard Sejal calling me. I went in the hall only to see the television switched on and my interview running on it.

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