Ishq Mein Marjawan 2

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Reading the title, most of you must have understood that this is not any update rather it is a way to bid farewell to our most favourite show. It is so hard to even think that from tomorrow there won't be any episode uploaded on voot.

Everybody has a different way to express their feelings and emotions. My fellow writers, expressed themselves beautifully by quoting the dialogues from the show.

sanjayash how do you write so beautifully?

So through this part, I am going to share my experiences and thoughts and reminisce all those moments which made me connect with Immj2 so much.

When the show started, I, as all, expected Ridhbir to be a couple and Vansh to be the bad guy but things unfolded in a different manner and we got our beloved Riansh. It became eternal. Even if the show ends, Riansh and Rrahel are never going to end.

This show only introduced me to the world of fanfiction. I did not even know that this word existed before the start of the show and look now, I am, myself, an ff writer. I feel that every person who is good at imagination has some or the other plot in his/her mind. It is just that we need a couple who could portray those emotions and look beautiful together. This is what Riansh did. We all got the couple who could portray all what was in our minds and unleash our imaginations.

Coming to the watching the show, it has another story behind it. Hahaha, this made me so nostalgic. Its almost a year to those antics of mine. So let me tell you, I did watch some promos of Immj2 before it started but never was interested in watching it regularly as I wasn't a big fan of immj1 but then one fine night at around 10pm, all of us except my mom were sitting, watching TV. We finished watching khataron ke khiladi and suddenly they telecasted the pehli jhalak of Immj2 and I we watched it. I thought that it would be a small promo like others but no, it was of around half an hour. That was when I actually got interested in watching it. My mother, doesn't like us to watch the ITV serials as they are full of conspiracies against each other. So when she saw us watching the pehli jhalak, she immediately ordered us to switch off the TV. I did that half heartedly but by that time I had made my mind to definitely watch the show anyhow, no matter what.

I used to pray to god that my mum gets some call at the time of Immj2 telecast. Keeping the volume so low that she couldn't hear it, changing the channel as soon as she entered the room and requesting my siblings to not tell mum about it, reading the written updates so as to be in touch with the story when i couldn't watch it on TV, surfing the youtube for any bts video or any Rrahel content sneekily to finally convincing mumma to let me watch it on the TV was my journey. Quite adventurous I must say 😂. Gosh! I still remember the details so well even after a year. It is as if, it was yesterday that the show started premiering.

If I say that I will miss them then that would be an understatement. But then we will keep them alive in our hearts forever and keep writing stories with them as the protagonists.

Do tell me your favorite looks of Rrahel from the show like I liked Helly in all types of suits and Rrahul's look in Ishani's engagement ceremony.

Also, write down in the comments section, which was your favourite scene from Immj2. Mine was when Vansh being Vansh, threw a knife at Riddhima in one of the initial episodes.


Thanks for reading.

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