The Sage's Vow

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*chapter can be skipped, it's just here to say hi to readers and explain a couple things, but I suggest readers at least read the important note*


The veil separating the realms has weakened.

With the first four seals stolen, the strength of the temples fades, and more outbreaks from the Energy Realm puts strain on the Paladins.

For Josh, it's nothing he can't handle. With his team by his side, sending otherworldly creatures back where they belong is the best sort of training. At least until Cale and Mara leave for a mission of their own meant to build up their strengths and leave him with a new teammate he barely knows.

As the tensions grow high in the Sanctuary, both because of the ongoing war with the Shadow Knights and shady Sage politics, Josh tries to find comfort in his former life and the people he thought he'd left behind.

But his peace is not meant to last. Mara and Cale have disappeared, and all clues point to them being in the Energy Realm.

Home to monsters and remnants of Phoenix Dragons, the other realm holds many threats, but Josh will do whatever it takes to find his friends. While there, he discovers a way to give the Paladins an edge in the war, but this solution forces him to make a decision he isn't sure he can make.

He must put his fate, as well as those he loves, in the hands of a Sage who hates him.


Hello, and welcome to book two of The Soul-Bound Chronicles! The first book is The Dragon's Scale. If you have not read it, I strongly recommend you skedaddle to that book instead, because nothing here will really make sense.

If you're still here... We've made it! Book two. I'm hoping you guys will enjoy this just as much as book one, if not more :D I am going to admit, this is a lot more winged than the previous book, though I have had a lot of it planned for a while. Including the later scenes, which were originally going to be in book one but I moved.

What can you expect from this installment of the series? Josh being more knowledgeable and skilled, even if he still should be whacked sometimes, more dragons, more magic, more action, oh, and let's not forget the familiar and many new faces ;) Let's dive on in to see just what kind of trouble Josh will get in now!

IMPORTANT NOTE!: One thing will be modified from last book that will affect the plot moving forward. Breaking the seals is no longer what releases Sheol/Lucien, but instead gathering them and taking them to a final gate. With that in mind, the goal has shifted from breaking to collecting.


The chapters for The Sage's Vow will usually be 4k-6k words, but for Wattpad they'll be broken up into parts of 1.5k - 2.5k, give or take (for example, first part of chapter one isn't quite 1.5k but it's close).

This is because I understand that reading on Wattpad is harder on the eyes and it doesn't always book mark correctly.

However, because of this, chapter ends and starts may not always feel organic.

Chapters will also go up once a week on Fridays.



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