12.3 || Rescue Plan

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Although he had been given some prep, Josh hadn't really been sure what to expect when he entered the new realm. According to the Sages' research, the Energy Realm was meant to mirror what the Soul Realm looked like when the two realms were originally split apart, except this realm would have no human interference in its changes.

Even knowing this, he was still struck with awe when he saw nothing but undisturbed nature around them. The scenery had a slight sense of familiarity with what they'd just left, but the clearing was much larger. Trees didn't appear for about a mile to any side, and a large hill to their left had a gaping cave mouth at least two stories high. The cave dove deep down, leaving nothing but a dark hole as its gaping mouth.

Something about it put Josh on alert. Before he could think much on it, though, he heard a very faint, Josh?

His throat dried. Boomer? The bond was there, but it was the sensation equivalent of a weak signal. The feeling of it being there came and went as if someone was playing with a switch connected to it. He didn't like it. When they'd been in the pocket dimension, the bond had felt nowhere near this unstable.

Mateo held his hand in front of him. A swirling ball of wind appeared, visible only because of the magic entwined with the energy.

"I can still utilize the bond, at least. Does it feel wrong for you, too?" Mateo asked as he released his magic.

"Yeah. I don't like it."

I... either, Boomer added, cutting out for a moment. I hope it gets better... for a little bit.

Josh winced and massaged his temples. The weird distance caused a slight mental strain simply from communicating with Boomer. As annoying as it was, though, it gave Josh a little peace. Maybe this was why Kidron and Ezraim couldn't find or speak with Mara or Cale.

They were alright. Probably.

A resounding snap shattered Josh's thoughts. He spun to see Kaitlyn and another Sage rush through the quickly shrinking portal. Jagged lines like shattered glass cut through the air around the portal's edges.

Past them stretched more grassland until trees rose in the distance. But it was what stood only a dozen or so yards away that sent goosebumps along his skin.

One of the smaller monstrous boars stood there, enraged eyes taking in the newcomers.

"Guys," he started, but before he could finish the warning, the boar threw itself back on its hind legs and squealed.

Multiple squeals answered back from the cave, and the ground rumbled. Josh swore. It was official. His luck sucked, and he's cursed this entire operation already.

Their presence hadn't drawn a group of monsters. The rift had opened right at the boars' lair.

The spear-wielding Paladin whose name Josh really needed to remember rushed the original boar. Jonathan Michaels followed, sword and shield at the ready. With a few quick, elementally-powered attacks, the duo took down the boar. Screaming its high-pitched squeal-cry, it toppled backwards, slamming onto the ground.

Josh stared at its unmoving form, frowning. Something wasn't right. He just couldn't place his finger on what.

Mateo found the answer for him. "It's not vanishing."

An icy dread settled on Josh's shoulders. Mateo was right. No energy particles lifted from its wounds, and the boar's body remained as solid as it had when he'd first seen it.

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