12.2 || Rescue Plan

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This felt all too familiar, yet not at all the same. Josh swung his blade back and forth in practice swings as the surrounding clearing filled with people.

They were a few miles away from the false campus the Sages used as their base. About thirty Soul-Bound—a few more Paladins than there were Sages—gathered there. Half a dozen dragons joined them. Since they were Elder Dragons, most were further on in age, so they'd grow to their full height and length.

Overall, the clearing felt way too crowded and had way too much nervous energy crackling through it. Josh shuddered. He really wished Boomer was there. Sadly, Joel and Xander had agreed that it was more time and energy proficient to open up the barrier around the Sage's base. The Elder Dragon presence there was already great, and they wanted to avoid transferring any dragons if they could.

Boomer stayed present through the bond, though, and probably sensing Josh's nerves, offered what mental warmth he could.

I hate how much this reminds me of when Eli and Xander were kidnapped, Josh said.

I know. But you are finding Cale and Mara, not rescuing them.

Boomer made the same point Josh had been making to himself, but still, he bit his lip. The Energy Realm was home to all sorts of horrible monsters. For all those on this side knew, they did need to be rescued.

Hey. Boomer sent through a mental nudge. Have more faith in Cale and Mara. They're way better at surviving than you are.

He said it was a joking tone, but there was truth to it. The Shadow Knights had rendered Xander powerless before kidnapping him and Eli. Cale and Mara at least still had their bond.

Though neither of their dragons had any luck connecting... Josh shook his head and refocused on practicing his sword strokes.

"You look ready for whenever the breach occurs."

Mateo approached from the crowd of people, managing an easy smile that somehow didn't imply he took the situation lightly. The dude had seriously perfected the art of smiles.

He, like Josh and many of the others there, wore a red-brown leather vest with protruding shoulder pads, leather bracers, and a weapon of choice. For Mateo, that was his two tonfas—which he'd told Josh was the name of his short pole weapons. They rested easily in the holsters on his hips.

Josh picked at his own leather vest. It was surprisingly comfortable for how sturdy the stuff was. The sprite queen had gifted them the armor, having apparently heard about their current struggles and taken an interest in it. Josh took that to mean Eytia had found her people once more and delivered the news.

The sprites tended to a mythical creature they called the oryem. They were some sturdy mammal creatures resembling a cross between a bull and a horse, and although they carried some magical energy, it hadn't been enough to drag them into the Energy Realm. That property, though, made their leather hide as hard to pierce as most steel armor.

"I guess I am," Josh finally replied, turning his attention back to Mateo. "I mean, we don't really know when the breach will occur. Xander said that with all of us present, it may open too quickly for us to get much warning."

Mateo conceded to that with a half-shrug. "Yeah, but they still have to come through the portal after it opens. No reason to let it get to you." He made a vague gesture behind him. "Everyone else is already tense enough without you being worried with them. How about playing a game?"

It took Josh a few moments to rip his eyes away from where a few Sages stood around the dragons. If anyone, they'd be the first to sense a breach. He raised a brow at Mateo. "A game?"

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