16.2 || Bitter Sentiment

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Part of Josh knew he should leave this alone. Kaitlyn couldn't stand him, and the sentiment was pretty mutual. But then she glanced over her shoulder, and his curiosity soared. She was up to something, and he would not let her get away with it. Maybe he'd at least let her think she did, though.

Do you really think you can be sneaky? Boomer asked as, at least in Josh's opinion, he very successfully sneaked forward.

She already thinks she's in the clear, and I'm the last person she'd expect to take an interest in her, Josh reasoned. He dove behind one of the Elemental's huts when Kaitlyn paused at the village gates. He counted to five before peering around the corner.

Kaitlyn disappeared behind the pillar of the village's gate.

Isn't it because she doesn't like you that she'd expect you to mess up her plans? Boomer mused. Unlike usual, he lay submerged in the small pool of the Sanctum, letting the water seep between his scales and clean the spaces there. Although he couldn't hold his breath as long as a water dragon, he could still stay under there for at least a dozen minutes at a time.

Even though his dragon made a fair point, Josh refused to acknowledge it as he darted the rest of the way to the village gate. Boomer made sure to channel through a mental eye roll.

Kaitlyn stood a few yards away from the gate. She muttered to herself as she paced anxiously, wearing a path into the grass. Her nerves weren't what brought Josh up short. That same anxious energy had her bouncing a familiar weapon up and down in her hand.

She'd brought the relic dagger from the cave.

Josh squinted. The battle of curiosity and staying hidden lasted for only a second before he pushed off from his hiding place and strutted forward. Boomer gave an exaggerated sigh and literally hit his head off a wall.

I guess if stealth isn't your specialty, you can just barrel on in.

You're just as tired as I am with how she's acting, and you know it, Josh shot back.

Boomer's silence spoke loud and clear on his concession to that point.

"Okay, seriously, what is with you and that dagger?" Josh asked.

Kaitlyn jumped so hard she almost dropped the weapon in question. What started as a shocked gasp turned into a splutter of curses as the blade nicked her finger. "Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on people?" Kaitlyn spat. She pressed the injured finger against her shirt, staunching the bleeding. The dagger rested precariously between her arm and her ribs.

Josh crossed his arms and raised his brows as he looked down at her. "Is your finger okay?"

"It'll be fine."

"Good. With that out of the way." He nodded toward the dagger. "I did ask you a question."

Some time during their multiple interactions, he had realized her eyes couldn't decide if they wanted to be dark blue or grey. Today, they were more the latter, and emotion turned them stormy. "And I missed the part where that's my problem."

He couldn't help it—he smiled. "I mean, you're the one sneaking around. And you got caught. I'd say if you want others not to catch you, it'd be better to just answer me."

You are having way too much fun, Boomer muttered.

Before Josh could reply, Kaitlyn smirked, a dangerous edge to the curve of her lips. "So now you want people to find me with the dagger? I'm sure if they do, they'd love to hear where I found it."

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