6.2 || A Little Secret

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As soon as Josh placed a foot on the front steps, a dog's deep bark echoed from inside. A golden retriever appeared in the door's side window, tail wagging either in excitement or as a threat. A plump woman in a sundress stepped up behind the dog, one hand in his fur while she peered out. Her dark eyes widened.

"Well, Joshua Davidson," Hannah's mother said as she pulled open the door. "Hannah said we'd have a special guest over, but I had no idea it would be you."

Josh smiled, and it grew when the golden retriever darted out the door and danced around his legs. He laughed and ruffled the dog's ears. "Hey there, Charming. And it's nice to see you, Ms. Edwards."

Ms. Edwards beamed and waved her hand. "Come on in, Josh. It's been so long since I last saw you! We were worried sick when your house burned down and your family left town. Oh, I'm so glad to see you good and healthy. Healthier than when I last saw you, in fact! I'm sure Hannah noticed that, too." Ms. Edwards laughed, patting a hand to Josh's stomach and wiggling her eyebrows when he stopped by her.

Josh chuckled along and wrapped the older woman in a hug. She'd never kept it a secret that she hoped that Josh and Hannah would end up together, ignoring the fact neither of them ever saw the other that way. Maybe she thought Josh getting more in shape would somehow change any of that.

Ms. Edwards ushered Josh in with a pat on his shoulder. "Hannah's out back, sweetie. I have cookies in the oven. I'll call for you two when they're done."

"Thank you." He proceeded through the living room. Ms. Edwards made her way to the middle of the room, where a man sat on the couch, the television droning on about recent news. When she sat by the man, he entwined their hands. Josh fought off a grin as he made his way to the kitchen and out the back door.

Hannah's yard wasn't too big, but enough so that it had a small garden near the house and a chair swing under a large tree with enough free space left over to fit a couple of dragons, if for whatever reason it ever had to. Because yeah, that was apparently how Josh measured things now.

Hannah sat in the swing, twirling a daffodil between her fingers. At the door's close, she raised her head. Josh froze. Her weary expression brought back all his nerves that Ms. Edwards' familiar presence had eased.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked on a small stone path that led to the swing. Hannah watched but said nothing as he took a seat beside her. She dragged her gaze away to stare at the hands that she wrung in her lap.

"So," Josh said, needing the silence to break before the awkwardness broke him, "your mom is trying to date again?"

Hannah laughed. "Yeah, that's Frank. A mutual friend of theirs hooked them up. So far, it's gone well." The soft affection that filled her face when she spoke quickly hardened into determination. She curled her hands into fists and turned so she faced Josh. "Tell me what really happened, Josh."

He didn't know if he wanted to wince or groan more. She obviously hadn't bought the lie, but like a fool, he'd hoped she'd at least act like it after how she reacted.

But why would she have been nervous about cornering him for an interrogation? Even now, lurking behind her current resolve was a hint of nerves and... Was that fear?

Now Josh really wanted Mateo there. Josh knew he was supposed to lie, but the idea dropped a gallon of acid into his gut. At least Mateo could do it with more ease.

He curled his fingers around the material of his pants. Boomer channeled his presence, offering comfort in the only way he could right then.

"There was a fire. We had to go stay at my aunt and uncle's place. While there, my parents found out about the Darren stuff, and well... They didn't take it all that well." He managed an embarrassed smile as he shrugged. "I really am sorry I didn't try harder to get a hold of you." That, at least, was the truth.

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