18.1 || A Risky Advantage

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DESPITE CALE'S ROUGH appearance-scruffy clothes, dirt-darkened skin, multiple blood-red cuts, deep-purple bruises, wild hair, and the starts of a beard-Josh beamed as he hauled his friend up. He'd known he missed his two teammates, but he didn't realize the extent of it until the relief of seeing them again, real and safe in front of him, freed him from the weight of worry and fear.

"Took you guys long enough to get here." Cale grunted as he placed his weight on his left leg before shifting most of it to the other. Josh had seen Cale's crash from the air. The collision must have been as painful as it had looked.

"Heroes have to make a dramatic entrance."

Footsteps rushing in their direction cut off any retort Cale may have had for Josh's joke. Cale stood up straighter, the half-amused, half-exasperated curl of his lips flattening out. It couldn't have been comfortable on his hurt leg, but none of the pain from before showed.

Josh turned. His eyes snagged momentarily on the battle happening in the distance. The dragons danced around the large insect abomination, snapping their jaws and slashing claws at vulnerable spots. The Soul-Bound had dismounted, and while the Sages kept a safe distance, the four other Paladins slipped into the fray, delivering blows where they could.

One of the Paladins had slipped away along with Josh: Jonathan. It was him and another familiar face rushing to their side now. Josh's heart swelled.

Boomer sighed, but it was more of an amused, fond sound than truly upset.

"Mara," Josh breathed. He stepped forward to meet her. When she was within his reach, he wrapped his arms around her, pressing her tight against him as he buried his face into her neck. Under the smells of sweat and dirt, he found her normal scent. A cold, crisp winter night with a blanket of fresh snow, though it missed the usual fresh berry aroma that accompanied it.

Safe. She and Cale were safe. He squeezed her tighter, and with a soft chuckle, she returned the embrace.

He pulled back just enough to press a kiss to her temple. "I hope you know that I hate you both for scaring me like that," he said against her skin.

"I'll remember that for next time I plan a pocket dimension's collapse." She spoke teasingly, but there was a slight shake in her hold that gave away how truly glad she was to see her rescuers.

Shula had figured out what the attacking giant insect was from Ezraim's description. There was a reason the old dragon didn't recognize it. Such a monstrosity only formed in the Energy Realm when too many various energies mixed when they were trying to re-form there, creating some chimera-like fusion of monsters. The creations were always hulking, sturdy things that manipulated and preyed on many smaller creatures and were never fun to fight against.

Josh had full faith his teammates could have continued the fight and made it out in the end, but it would not have been unscathed. They were lucky that the worst of their injuries seemed to be Cale's bum leg.

A throat cleared behind them, and the smallest hint of shame burned Josh's neck. For the most part, he didn't mind small amounts of PDA in front of Cale anymore, and it even amused him when it earned him exaggerated eye rolls. But somehow, he'd completely forgotten that Mara's guardian stood only a few feet away, watching his reunion-fueled display of affection.

Jonathan stood with one hand on Cale's shoulder, a brow raised in Josh and Mara's direction. Cale had mostly schooled his face into a neutral expression, but the edges of his mouth curled up. Josh resisted the urge to stick his tongue out like a child.

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