3.1 || Plane of Trials

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THERE WERE FEW things that would stop Josh from sprinting straight to Boomer, and randomly knocking over a girl happened to be high on that list.

"Darn, I'm sorry about that. You okay?" he asked, extending his hand in her direction.

In response, the girl raised her head, glowering. Josh fought the urge to roll his eyes. Of all the people he could run into, of course it had to be a Sage, and obviously it couldn't just be any random one at that. Kaitlyn Ellstrom, daughter of the Sage's oh-so-pleasant leader, stood, ignoring his offered hand.

"I'm fine," she said, tone sharp, "but perhaps in the future you can watch where you're going."

This time, Josh did roll his eyes, lifting his hands in a placating gesture. "I said I'm sorry. I'm just kind of in a rush, so if you'll excuse me..."

He had already lost her attention. She cocked her head to the side, trying to get an angle so she could see into the infirmary. His skin prickled. Had someone been injured? Was she here to get Hisato?

After a moment, the realization clicked. "Cale's not here."

It was hard to tell—Kaitlyn wasn't the same olive complexion as her father, more of a light brown, and she already had a sprinkling of make-up on—but he thought she blushed.

"Well, thank you for informing me." With that, she turned on her heel and started down the hall.

He bit back a groan. She walked in the same direction he had to go to get to Boomer. He debated for a second going another way, but eagerness won out, and he trailed behind her.

Kaitlyn tensed for a moment, and then her pace increased. It didn't matter. Josh was half of a foot taller than her, if not more, and his longer legs kept him closer to her than even he wanted.

"Are you following me?" she asked.

"Nope. This is the fastest way to the Sanctum. Besides, I don't really know if you get to say anything when you're keeping tabs on us for Daddy Dearest."

Kaitlyn shot him a withering glare, and Josh fought off a smirk. He'd seen her and other Sages looking away too quickly when caught staring or quickly dipping around corners when others approached. Pairing that with all of his other wonderful Sage experiences meant he saw no harm in tossing a barb or two.

"I'm sorry for feeling concern over the well-being of two Paladins who had to be sent to the infirmary," she grumbled. "I'll be sure not to let it happen again."

She filled her voice with so much icy indignation that Josh could almost believe she'd had no ulterior motive for checking on Cale. Before he could say anything, though he had no idea what, they arrived at the intersection that would lead either to the Sanctum or deeper into the Sanctuary.

Kaitlyn spun away, hurrying in the opposite direction from where Josh was going. With a small huff, he let the subject slip from his mind. The stirring in his soul reminded him he had much more important matters to focus on.

Long shadows cut across the forest, leaving the day much cooler than before. Jodas had shifted from his normal spot to catch the last bit of the sun. Boomer, on the other hand, had barely moved from where Josh had last seen him, but he relaxed in a half-curl now instead of laying sprawled restlessly across the ground.

Hisato and a couple of the others still lounged in the Sanctum. Well, the others lounged. Hisato sat against a tree, eyes closed and breathing light. As Josh approached, though, Boomer lifted his head, and Hisato's eyes snapped open, somehow alert and drowsy at the same time.

"Josh." Hisato stood, one hand propping him up against the tree while the other swiped away any remnants of sleep. "I was about to get you when Boomer told me he had already contacted you." He grinned, but it didn't quite meet his eyes. Dark bags hung heavy beneath them, making it look as if Hisato hadn't slept for a full week.

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