1.1 || Fight and Flight

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Wind whipped around him, and his shirt billowed beneath his chainmail armor. Water approached, faster and faster as his speed increased. His heart raced, adrenaline pumping through his system.

He pressed his arms against his sides to go even faster and laughed.

About a thousand feet separated him from the ocean when the sensation came through the bond.

Smiling, Josh relaxed. A shadow passed over him, and then forelegs wrapped around his torso, front claws applying the barest pressure to his chest. His fall changed. The one holding him angled to slow the descent until they finally shifted upward, flying into the sky with Josh along for the ride.

A hundred feet below and growing further away by the second, the ocean continued to thrash.

How was that? Boomer asked, a smug smile in his voice.

Josh craned his head back, grinning. Much better, he said. I barely felt any pressure against my chest this time. Very smooth.

Boomer's lips curled upward, and he held his head a little higher.

We will just ignore the fact it's taken you nine tries before you get that right. And about how you almost broke my rib—

I'll drop you and see how well you fly on your own, Boomer growled, but the triumph hadn't left his voice.

Josh held one hand up in defeat, the other resting on Boomer's foreleg. You did really good, he assured, serious again. I think we might have it down now.

Straightening out so that he glided forward, Boomer brought his head down and offered his neck to Josh. He took hold, and his dragon lifted him up. Josh extended his leg, finding purchase between Boomer's shoulders, and with a bit of extra help from Boomer's tail, moved his way back to the saddle situated on the dragon's back. Boomer hadn't enjoyed the idea of having a piece of leather strapped onto him, but now he only grumbled a little bit about it.

Think we can try it again before we get to the breach? Boomer asked.

The moment Josh patted Boomer's neck, he hunched, knowing what would be said. "I don't think Cale would like that," Josh said, switching to speaking aloud as he regained his air. "It was hard enough to convince him this was practice for if I fell later."

Boomer sighed before angling up once more to search for Cale and Ezraim.

Josh couldn't blame Boomer for his disappointment. Although Josh had learned some information on dragon riding in his early months at the Sanctuary, he didn't get to experience it until shortly after his return from the temple realm. Usually, from what Josh had heard, new riders were encouraged to go out with their dragon often so the dragon and soul-bound could get a feel for each other.

But usually, the Paladins weren't in quite a precarious situation. Josh's riding sessions had turned into training or, in this case, a mission. As much as any form of flying exhilarated him—cutting through the wind, soaring among the clouds, experiencing the thrill Boomer felt—he couldn't deny that he felt closer and freer when he and Boomer could fly for themselves. Maybe they could when there weren't a billion missions throughout the week, but that didn't seem to be anytime soon.

Found them, Boomer said and tilted to the side, drawing Josh from his thoughts.

Josh wrapped the reins around his arms once and gripped the saddle's horn. The warmth drained from his face, and it didn't return until Boomer straightened out. He didn't care what Cale told him; he would never get used to sharp turns.

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