15.3 || Hidden Enemies

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Kidron's growl ripped through the bond, making it so Mara didn't hear what Xander said next. She winced, and her hand flew to her temple. The ferocity of Kidron's emotions transmitted through the bond just fine, at least.

They are that close to the Shadow Knights? Kidron rumbled, forcing his words to be slightly calmer, but his desire to claw his way into the other realm to assist Mara didn't fade.

"I understand your concerns, dragon, but we are doing all we can to ensure their safety," Joel said.

Kidron began to bristle at his address, but the genuine concern he heard brought both him and Mara up short. It was easy to forget that buried under the Sage was an actual human.

"Besides," Joel continued, "the Strip seems to take up a large amount of land, and the Shadow Knights would want to remain hidden. A run-in is very unlikely."

She nibbled on her bottom lip. She wished Cale could join the conversation, but unlike dragons, she couldn't expand her mental connection to others around her. Actually, she murmured, Cale did see them earlier.

The leaders froze, and it had nothing to do with the frigid temperatures they endured. Kidron growled, low and deep in his throat, but the wind carried most of the sound.

Mara used this opening to explain as much as she could to them: the wild man, the strange dagger and the even stranger barrier, the sudden collapse of the realm, finally the deposit in this new realm, and the Shadow Knights taking the dagger. She didn't realize she'd skimmed over Cale's near death until she'd already lapsed into silence for too long to return to the subject, and she decided to keep it that way. She didn't wish to bring that thought anymore to the surface than she needed.

Enough time had passed that the bond had stabilized further. She picked up bits and pieces of the leaders' verbal discussion. Xander, checking if this information helped Joel any further, and Joel saying it didn't. He muttered a few things, but between the quiet tone and the broken sentences, Mara couldn't piece together what he said.

"The group is heading toward you as quickly as they can," Xander finally said. "Delay in the cave for as long as you can, and when the dragon finally forces you to leave... Well, I shouldn't have to say this, but with this new information, stay extra vigilante."

"Xander," Joel said aloud. Mara barely picked it up because of the bond and howling wind. If he tried to say anything else, he conceded his attempt at a sharp glare from the Paladin leader.

"Safety needs to be your priority," Xander stressed. "I'm sorry to cut this discussion short, Mara, but if you are safe and Cale's bond is restoring, it may be best for Joel and me to return to the Sanctuary."

Despite the dire situation and her confusion over what Joel had been trying to say, Mara smiled. I understand, Xander. Not all of us are made to handle the cold.

The scarf and high coat neck hid Xander's lower face, but his smile carried through to his mental voice. "Be careful. We will speak with you again soon."

Mara began to pull back, but she paused to dwell within Kidron's presence. Finally, knowing Cale would be patiently awaiting the knowledge she gained, she tuned back in to her surroundings.

Cale fiddled with one of the sticks they used to spear the fish, his eyes present yet distant. As she shook off the last remnants of Antarctica's hold, his focus snapped to her.

"So?" he asked. "How did it go?"

Mara hated putting what she'd learned into words because it made it true, but she told him what she had heard from Xander. At first, he nodded along, brow furrowed, as she explained the Wasted Strip and the danger it would pose to them while they waited for rescue. When she reached the Shadow Knights, he froze, a thousand thoughts racing through his eyes. Finally, he seemed to settle on one, and an icy fury overtook his expression.

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