3.3 || Plane of Trials

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Considering Josh had been debating a way to keep Mara at his side a second ago, he should have kept his mouth shut. Instead he said, "Why aren't you? Seems like something really useful."

With Cale's arms crossed, he almost managed to hide his hand curling into a fist. "What's useful is being here, helping during a war, not wasting two Paladins on a mission that may accomplish nothing."

"You could take Joel's offer." Mara threw out the comment casually enough, but a bite slid into the end, and her hand tightened around Josh's. He flashed back to when Mara had bristled, and a knot formed in his chest. The jealousy hadn't returned to its cage, and it whispered terrible ideas in his ears.

Cale sighed and dropped his head back against the wall with a quiet thud. "I don't want to do that either. He watches me enough while I'm here. I don't really want to be watched by one of his lackeys while I'm asleep."

"Watches... you?" Josh wrinkled his nose. "Why would he do that?"

Mateo let out a sudden huff of laughter. He smiled apologetically when Josh turned on him. "Sorry, but the way you worded that just implied Cale wasn't worth watching."

Josh frowned. "And you word it like there's some special reason to."

"I suppose it depends on who you ask." Mateo shrugged. "Youngest Paladin in recorded history by bonding at eight. Third youngest to become a team leader in modern history. Top spot for who will replace Xander once he has to step down. And now he's potentially reaching the Merged state a few years earlier than most would. I can see why Joel would take an interest—"

"Yes, I have collected my fair share of records," Cale snapped.

Mateo flinched at the sudden harsh tone, his musing expression morphing into one of confusion. His eyes almost seemed to glaze for a moment, and then he bit his lip. "Apologies, Cale. I didn't realize..."

Josh didn't know what Mateo would have to realize, though. He glared at Cale. "Hey, no need to get snippy with him," he said. "He was just answering my question."

Cale pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know. I just..." He shook his head and dropped his hand. "I'm sorry, Mateo. Having Joel around all the time has made things... tense."

No, that wasn't all, but if even Josh could tell Cale wasn't sharing something, Cale had to be too exhausted to hide it better.

"You know I don't appreciate how much of an interest he has taken in you, Cale. I can tell him to leave you alone," Xander offered.

"He would still do it, just in more concealed ways. You know that, Xander. Better to let him have his way until he tires of analyzing me."

"If you say so, but know you can tell me if you change your mind," Xander said, and although he didn't look pleased about it, he let it drop. "But to return to the original topic, I don't believe it is a waste for you to take on the Plane of Trials."

"You heard Joel. As much as I disagree with him, he has a point here," Cale said. His lips curled, as if admitting it had been like swallowing something foul. "Our front lines are strained. Those who aren't working with the Sages to either find the Shadow Knight's base or clues to the temples are out on missions almost daily. You've been keeping me in combat, but I know some of the diplomatic situations are strained from all the breaches as well."

Xander closed his eyes, shoulders growing tenser and tenser with every part Cale threw his way. He waited a few moments after Cale stopped speaking to ask, "Are you finished listing the tasks I must deal with?"

The words could have been accusatory, but when Xander opened his eyes, he looked sad.

Cale swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing. "Apologies, sir."

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