14.2 || Elemental Village

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As Krotali had predicted, the village came into view after another ten minutes. At first, it appeared as a cluster of large shapes jutting up on the opposite side of the river from where the soul-bound had been rescued. The brown and grey shades came into sharper focus until Josh could make out a few large cabins intermixed with a scattering of decent sized huts. Stone rose around the space like a gate, separating it from the surrounding land.

A forest cut off the flat land only a few dozen yards from where the village ended, and further beyond the wall of trees, mountains pierced the sky. It was a beautiful collision of nature, especially from their aerial view. Forest, mountain, river, grassland. He could understand why elementals and dragons would congregate here.

He knew the beings must have been there the entire time, but his thoughts seemed to summon them as his growing proximity to the village allowed him to see more. Humanoids moved amongst the buildings, coming to gather around two other large reptilian creatures—more dragons.

We will explain the situation to them. Shula's voice washed over Josh, ignoring the issues of distance between them.

Though, Veron mused, I think there are still things you must explain to us.

Krotali turned so her electric blue eyes could see them. Hold on, humans. I will begin my descent now.

Josh adjusted his hold and tensed his thighs against her back. He nodded up at her, and he thought he saw her lip twitch. After spending another second looking over him and the other soul-bound, she faced forward again.

His stomach swooped as she banked and dove at the same time. It would mean potential death, but he had the powerful urge to throw his hands up and yell as if he was on a rollercoaster. It would be practically the same feeling if she'd just go faster.

While she and Veron made large circles to descend toward the village, Shula did the reverse of what he did to get into the air, almost following an invisible cylinder to gradually lower to the earth. They all hit the ground around the same time, the two broader dragons throwing up bits of grass and dirt while Shula touched down more elegantly.

The width of Krotali's neck still blocked most of what lay before them from Josh's view, but distance and wind could no longer keep away the quiet whispers from the gathered Elementals. To his surprise, his limbs locked into place, refusing to let him move.

A crowd of humans? That he'd know what to do with. And if he didn't, he at least knew how to joke around and make himself semi-comfortable. Elementals, though? He had never met one until Eytia, and that had at least been in human territory. This, however, was an entire group of Elementals! And dragons! He didn't want to make a fool of himself.

His heart clenched as he looked to his side. Mara wasn't there with her mischievous smile, ready to guide him on the right thing to do. Cale couldn't roll his eyes and mutter directions. Boomer could barely even make fun of him properly. He wanted his team—

"Hey." Mateo squeezed Josh's forearm. "Let's slide off here and go gather with the others. They'll know what to do."

Josh let out the breath that had been building in his chest. Right. Mateo was there, and even if he couldn't feel him as much as he'd like, Boomer was as well. And, he guessed, so were the other Paladins. Who, as Mateo pointed out, could do the talking. This was totally fine.

Josh slid off Krotali's back, and he got his first good view of those gathered.

When Krotali said an intermixing of Elementals, she meant it. Josh spotted multiples of each of the main Elemental races except spirits. Even ifrits shifted through the crowd despite the lack of nearby volcanic activity.

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