you're sick

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The soft brush of Yuqi's hand along your forehead made your eyes flutter open. They slipped shut again as soon as you tried, though. They were heavy and you were much too exhausted to even attempt to fight off the sleep to steal a few glances from your girlfriend, who you already knew was worried about you.

"You're burning up." She spoke worriedly.

The more awake you became, the sicker you felt. You felt nauseous, your shirt clung to your body from the sweat on your clammy skin. You felt miserable, so awful that you only wanted to sleep.

"I feel awful." You mumbled and just as Yuqi parted her lips to respond, you were shifting to sit up in bed. Your stomach was turning, your skin draining of color as you started to feel sick again.

Your eyebrows were pinched together, a bead of sweat rolling down your forehead, your body ached as you tried to get out of bed. You had to get into the bathroom, knowing you were close to getting sick again, and with Yuqi's help, you managed to get there in time.

Your mouth watered, your stomach turned, and you clutched onto Yuqi's hand with your own as your stomach emptied again. She was right behind you like she's been every single time before.

You came down with the flu only yesterday and you've felt terrible ever since. Without Yuqi right there with you, you don't know how you'd ever get through it.

She's right by your side the entire time. She gently gathered your hair and held it back for you, her other hand brushed along your back and your shoulders. Her lips touched the back of your neck and behind your ear, soothing and endearing words falling from her lips as she tried to help you through the miserable few moments.

"I know it's awful. Just keep letting it out. It'll be over soon." She said and continued doing everything she could to comfort you until you finally felt okay enough to lean back against her.

You felt weak, trembling in her arms. Your eyes closed, too heavy to open again. You would've fallen right asleep, right then and there in her arms. But she was quick to try to convince you to get up and brush your teeth.

"I don't want to move." You whined.

"I know." She spoke sympathetically, hand brushing along your shoulder. "But you can brush them and then get into bed. I'll even help you. I'll hold you the whole time."

You still didn't want to. But because you so badly wanted to get back into bed and go to sleep, you agreed and stood on your feet with her help.

"I've got you." She mumbled as she helped you walk to the sink. "Just another minute then you can go to sleep, baby."

You brushed your teeth as quickly as possible, paying a little extra attention to your tongue where the taste of vomit lingered. You rinsed your mouth out with some water, wiping away the toothpaste that dribbled down your chin when you brushed your teeth. You wiped your mouth and then, finally, Yuqi turned off the light and helped you to bed.

"What do you need, baby?" She asked as she tucked you in. "Are you thirsty? Are you hot or cold? Do you need me to grab you another blanket? How about some soup? It might help you feel better."

"No." You whimpered, shaking your head at the thought of food. "No food. I just want to sleep, Yuqi. Can you please just cuddle me?"

"Happily, sweet girl." She said and crawled into bed with you. She let you move into her arms on your own, afraid that if she moved you that your stomach would turn again.

With your head on her chest and her arms around you, you finally felt comfortable and started to fall asleep.

"You know you can wake me in the middle of the night if you need anything, right? Small or big, whatever it is, I'll get it for you."

"I know."

"I'll take care of you until you feel better. I promise."

"I know, Yuqi." You mumbled sleepily, a tiny smile tugging at your lips. "I promise I'll wake you if I need anything but I just plan on sleeping as much as I can."

"Okay." She whispered as she buried her lips in your hair and gave you a few kisses. "I love you. Sleep tight. I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you, baby. I love you too." You whispered and quickly fell asleep in her arms with her hand rubbing your back, leaving you both hoping that when you woke up you'd feel better, even if it was just a little bit.

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