I won't ever let you go (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly triggering content. It talks pretty openly about depression and the things that come along with it. I know that a lot of us struggle with mental health and I wanted to put this here just in case the topic is too much to handle.

I also struggle with mental health issues and I have from a very young age. So please, if you ever need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to reach out. I'm very bad at giving advice but I am a good listener and I never judge so you can always message me if you ever need someone to talk to and someone who understands.

I love you all so much and I hope you're well. Your author is rooting for you, always.

I hope that if you do read this chapter, you enjoy it and, maybe, it'll bring you a little comfort. 🤍


Yuqi brushed her fingertips along your back as you kept your head on her chest.

She was a great distraction for you to escape from your mind, which has begun to feel more like a prison than anything else lately.

Listening to the steady beat of her heart helped you to escape from the thought inside your head and the sadness deep inside your heart.

"Are you doing okay, baby? Is there anything you need?" She asked with a soft voice.

But you shook your head in response to both questions, just as you've been doing each time she asks you them.

For a while, you thought you might be on the right track to healing and stepping out of the fog you've been stuck inside for so many years.

Your depression began a long time ago, back when you were very young, and it's only gotten worse the older you get.

Unable to handle it anymore, you agreed to try some medication in hopes that it would help.

You pushed through the worst of the side effects, all in hopes that once you got past them you'd start to find happiness.

But just when you thought it might be helping, things began to get bad again, and now you're more lost and more depressed than you have ever felt.

You lost your job, your friends began to pull away, and the simplest of things began to become some of the hardest tasks you've ever had to do, such as showering or even getting out of bed.

Yuqi, however, didn't let you go.

It's been close to two years that you've been dating and rather than feeling tired or annoyed that you were taking a turn for the worst once more, she just embraced you.

It came at a time when the girls didn't have much of anything going on.

That meant that Yuqi didn't have to leave your side much and not for very long when she absolutely had to and that was a huge relief for her because she knows how much you need her.

The girls were so understanding of her just needing a little time to focus on you and they've been taking things pretty easy lately and though they know it's just a matter of time until things get crazy again, Yuqi is relieved that she has time to just be with you for now.

"Do you want to talk about what's on your mind? Are you having thoughts again?"

You knew what she meant by thoughts and you sighed before shrugging your shoulders.

"It's okay." She said as she held you a little tighter. "I know you're hurting, baby. But I'm here. Please don't feel that you have to give in to those thoughts, okay? Because I'll stay here forever with you, if that's what you need. If it'll make you feel better."

You closed your eyes because they felt so heavy, almost as if you hadn't slept in three months when, in reality, you'd barely been awake for a couple of hours.

"Thank you." You quietly said.

"For what, sweet girl?" Yuqi frowned.

"Just for being here for me. I feel like I've lost a lot lately. My job, my friends, my peace of mind... you being here  makes me feel safe and it's nice to know that someone is in my corner."

"I'll always be in your corner, my love. I'm always going to be here for you. I'm here to hold you, support you, and do all I can to try and take the weight of the world off of your shoulders." She whispered. "I know depression is hard. I know you've struggled with it for most of your life and I know that you feel like you've lost almost everything... but please don't give up, don't lose hope."

You nodded tiredly.

"I'm proud of you every single day, even if all you do is change your clothes, get up to grab some water, crack a little smile, or brush your teeth. Those are hard things when you feel hopeless. It's about taking baby steps, okay? I'm not going to rush you into getting better. I'm not going to push you into anything. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

"And the girls too." You mumbled.

"Yeah." She smiled. "The girls love you so much, almost as much as I do." She joked. "They're all rooting for you too and, if you ever need anything and you can't turn to me or you just want to talk to them, they're a phone call or a text away. You're not alone. You're never going to be alone. Whatever life throws at you, we'll face it together. I know it doesn't feel like it but things will get better someday. I just need you to keep hanging on for me."

"For you, I will always hang on." You promised.

"Good." She said as she kissed your head. "Because I'm here for you, my love, and I won't ever let you go."

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