you and your child meet the girls for the first time (requested)

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"I'm so nervous, I think I might throw up."

Yuqi laughed as she put the car in park and turned off the engine.

In the backseat, your daughter, Grace, was playing games on your phone, patient yet excited to meet the girls, who Yuqi talks so highly about.

That, however, makes you nervous.

You know how important they are to her. They're like her sisters. You feel the pressure of the situation, knowing that it's important for them to like you and Grace.

Yuqi keeps assuring you that everything will go smoothly and that they're going to adore you both, but you still feel nervous regardless of that.

"Don't be nervous. It'll be fine." Yuqi said as she gently placed her hand on your thigh. "I know it's a little scary. I was nervous when I met your friends. It's natural. But everything will be okay, I promise."

You took a deep breath before you leaned over and gave Yuqi a quick kiss.

When you pulled away a few seconds later, you turned your head to look back at Grace.

"You ready, sweetie?"

She nodded and you got out of the car, going to the passenger side to unbuckle her seatbelt and help her out of the car.

You put your phone in your back pocket and then walked up the steps of Minnie's home, where everyone was gathered for today.

"Come on, Grace. Tell your mom there's nothing to worry about!" Yuqi grinned.

Grace giggled as she looked at you with a big smile on her face.

"You're excited, right?" Yuqi asked and Grace excitedly nodded her head.

Before Yuqi could say another word and before she could even put her hand on the knob to open the front door, it opened and the girls all stood there.

Yuqi immediately threw her arms around the girls as they all embraced her, squeezing her so tightly, almost as if they hadn't seen her in forever when it was only yesterday that they were in the studio together.

"Girls," She grinned as she pulled away. "This is my beautiful girlfriend Y/N,"

"Hi, Y/N!" Soojin grinned as she pulled you in for a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you! Yuqi has told us so much about you!" Miyeon said as she hugged you tight.

"And this is her daughter Grace,"

"Hello, Grace," Soyeon smiled as she knelt down and opened her arms up so the little girl could hug her whenever she was ready to.

It was only a few seconds later when Grace threw her arms around Soyeon.

"Yuqi has told us all about you, too," Minnie said. "But you're even more adorable than she said."

Shuhua tickled Grace's sides, causing infectious giggles to fall from her lips.

"You're cute! I'm Shuhua, it's so nice to meet you,"

After some more hugs, everyone started to make their way into the kitchen.

"So, we made dinner. Yuqi told us about your and Grace's favorite foods, so we made sure to make them." Minnie smiled.

"Oh, that's so nice. Thanks!" You said as you sat down beside Yuqi at the table.

Grace sat down on Yuqi's lap and Yuqi giggled happily as she squeezed her tightly, peppering kisses on her head.

"Y/N, do you want to help me out with something over here?" Miyeon asked and you shifted your gaze from your girls and over to her.

You felt a little nervous about doing so but you got up and went over to her just a few seconds later.

"Hey," Miyeon said. "I didn't actually need any help. I just wanted to talk."

"Oh," You said before anxiously biting your lip.

"Nothing bad, I promise!" She assured. "I just thought I'd tell you how much we appreciate you."

You were a little surprised but also very relieved.

"You make Yuqi so happy. I've never seen her this way and I've known her for a long time. I've seen her through her ups and downs, we all have. Before she met you, she was happy, but this is different. She's just so in love with you and always talks about you and Grace, who, by the way, is so precious!"

You laughed and looked at the other girls as they all came to you and Miyeon.

"She's crazy about you. She adores you and so do we." Soojin smiled. "And we adore Grace."

"Sometime soon, you and Yuqi need to go away on vacation for a weekend so we can take her!" Shuhua suggested.

"That sounds really nice, actually." You said, smiling just at the thought of having a little alone time with Yuqi and the girls watching your daughter.

You continued to talk for a few more minutes until Yuqi came up behind you and pulled you into her arms.

"Are you all trying to steal my girl?" She joked as she kissed your shoulder lovingly.

"Nope. Just talking." Soyeon assured.

"About what? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Everything's great." You grinned as you turned around to face her.

"We adore her, Yuqi. You've got a lovely little family."

Yuqi kissed your head just as tiny arms wrapped around her waist.

"And you, of course!" Minnie said as she picked Grace up in her arms.

"Told you everything would be okay," Yuqi said. "They love you and Grace almost as much as I do, and that's a lot."

You kissed her softly and the girls just watched on with big smiles, knowing that Yuqi had found the loves of her life.

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