kissing in the rain

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"It's nice to finally get some fresh air," Yuqi said as she hugged you a little closer to her side.

With her arm around your waist and her lips occasionally brushing against your cheek, you strolled through the park together.

It's the first day you've been able to spend together in far too long.

And although you've missed each other so much it hurts, because life never seems to slow down these days, everything feels so worth it to be able to spend today together.

You're both so happy and so content. You can't stop smiling as you enjoy your morning walk.

Although it's cloudy and grey, your moods are bright.

There's a breeze that's causing the branches to sway. The air is a little chilly, much cooler than it's been these last few warm days.

But you're happy. You're comfortable. And nothing is going to bring either of you down today.

Yuqi was talking about some things she's up to that she's so excited about. You listened and watched her pretty eyes light up whenever you'd smile and tell her how proud of her you are.

But something interrupted her excited rambling.

You both stopped walking and looked up at the sky when a couple of raindrops fell onto your skin.

She frowned a little, thinking back to before you headed out the door and she checked the weather.

It wasn't supposed to rain.

But, then again, the weather always has a mind of its own, so it wasn't all that surprising.

"Should we head home?" You asked her and she was about to say no.

Right then, at that moment, it was just sprinkling. Sure, it looked like it might storm. But it wasn't yet and she wanted to take a walk around the park to enjoy the fresh air.

But, before she could say a word, there was a loud clap of thunder and the rain started to fall harder.

"Yeah, let's go back to the car."

You turned around, hand wrapped tightly in hers as you walked fast to the car.

It wasn't far.

Your walk had only started a few minutes before the rainfall and you took your time walking.

But when it's pouring rain and thundering loudly, the car feels so much further away than it was.

A moment later, you saw it.

No one else was around.

A couple of cars that were parked beside you when you arrived had gone as the rain poured, deciding to head home like you and Yuqi.

Yuqi noticed how quiet it was.

And even though the rain was soaking through her clothes, she didn't want to get out of it just yet.

Instead, she thought about how long it's been since you shared a kiss in the rain.

You're both so busy that you haven't spent rainy days together in so long.

You looked so cute, so mesmerizing in the rain and she couldn't resist.

She stopped walking and you turned to look at her right away.

"Yuqi? Why'd you stop? The car is right there."

She nodded wordlessly before dropping your hand to put her arm around you to pull you as close to her as she could.

"What's on your mind?" You asked.

"Just thinking about how long it's been since we kissed in the rain."

You chuckled and stared into her shiny eyes.

"It has been a while."

"Yeah. We should change that." She said as she slowly leaned in for a kiss, a smirk on her lips.

"What are you waiting for?" You asked, smirking right back at her.

She pushed her lips onto yours for a passionate kiss.

The rain pouring down made it so romantic. It made the already special moment even more special.

Yuqi sighed against your lips and moved one hand to your back to push you closer while her other rested on your cheek.

You smiled into the kiss as you looped your arms around her neck, so close that you could feel her heart beating against yours.

She pulled away a moment later to breathe and make sure you weren't cold.

Despite getting caught up in the passionate moment, she still worries about you.

"Are you cold? Do you want to go home?" She asked but you only shook your head.

"No. I want you to keep kissing and holding me, Yuqi."

She smiled at you, melting your heart, before she leaned in to pull you in for another sweet kiss.

If you wanted to spend more time kissing in the rain, she was perfectly fine with that.

She could spend forever in this moment with you.

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