you flinch (requested)

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"Oh, look who's finally home." You grumbled as you watched Yuqi tiptoe into the bedroom. "You don't have to be quiet. I've been awake for the last three hours waiting for you to come home. You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry." She mumbled as she kicked off her shoes.

"I don't want to be that kind of girlfriend but where were you? I would get it if you were, maybe, an hour late. But you were almost three hours late. You said you'd be home early tonight and we'd be able to have dinner and spend some time together."

"I'm sorry, my love. Time got away from me." She said as she looked at you, finding a look of sadness in your eyes. "Don't be upset, baby, please."

"You still haven't answered my question. Where were you at?"

"Oh, I was out with Minnie. She had to get a couple of things and she wanted my opinion."

"Oh." You answered. "That's interesting. Because I was worried about you and I called Minnie and she said you were supposed to be home because all of the girls had headed home from practice today."

Yuqi hung her head and stared at the floor wordlessly, trying to come up with any reason she could to tell you that she was late.

"You lied to me. Why?"

"Y/N," She sighed, only for you to interrupt.

"Or should I just jump right to it and ask you who she is?" You asked. "Because some fans spotted you with another girl tonight. They saw you go into a jewelry store. No one recognizes her. They have suspicions that you're cheating on me and after you lied to me, so do I."

"Y/N, it's not what you're thinking. Please don't jump to conclusions. I did not cheat on you, I would never."

"Okay." You said as you stood up from the bed, stepping closer to her. "Then you can tell me who she is, right?"

"It's just a staff member." She replied.

"Oh." You said, nodding your head.

Yuqi could tell you didn't quite believe her.

"I'm being honest with you here, baby."

"So why couldn't you tell me that to start with, Yuqi? Why did you lie to me? And why did you take her to a jewelry store? There are things you're not telling me!"

She bit her lip and looked away from your eyes.

"If you're cheating on me, can't you just say it already!?'

"Dammit, Y/N, I'm not cheating on you!" She yelled as she raised her hand.

You stepped back as a gasp left your lips, the worst thoughts coming to your mind upon hearing how angry she was and seeing her raise her hand like that.

You watched her run her fingers through her hair and sigh before she looked at you, only for her gaze to change to confusion.

"Baby? What's the matter?" She asked worriedly.

You sat on the floor in front of the bed, looking anxious and upset.

"Please don't hurt me, Yuqi,"

Her heart almost stopped upon hearing you say those words.

"You thought I was going to hit you?" She asked quietly, almost in disbelief. "No, no, baby."

She walked to you slowly before sitting on the floor in front of you.

As she did so, the box in her sweats fell out and onto the floor.

You slowly uncovered your eyes and gazed at it before looking at her.

"This is so not how I planned this to go." She sighed. "It's the complete opposite of what I envisioned."

"Yuqi? What's going on?" You asked quietly. "Please tell me honestly."

"Well, to start with, I would never hurt you, darling. I need you to believe me on that, okay? You're the most important thing in the world to me and I love you very much." She whispered. "And that means I wouldn't hurt you physically or in any other way, including cheating. I didn't cheat on you, I swear."

You sniffled.

"All I did was raise my hand to brush it through my hair, there was a hair right in my eye and it was annoying me." She said as she gently grabbed your hands in hers. "Please believe me, I wasn't going to hit you and I never would. I never will."

"I'm sorry I thought you would."

"No, I understand. The situation was tense and I get how you could think it was a possibility with how I moved my hand while I yelled at you and I'm so sorry for it all."

You sent her a small smile and she breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing everything was good there.

"As for the staff member, I swear she is a staff member. She's new at Cube and on our team, that's why no one knows about her. She stayed late today and I've bonded a little with her. I didn't want to tell the girls this because I knew they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret so I asked her to go to the jewelry store with me... to pick out a ring for you."

You were in awe as she grabbed the velvet box and opened it up, allowing you to see an engagement ring inside.

"I had this all planned out in my head. I was going to serenade you and decorate the bedroom with candles and your favorite flower and then I was going to give you this whole speech and ask you to marry me and-"

"Yes." You interrupted, making her look at you with her soft brown eyes. "I don't need all of that, Yuqi. You asking me now is perfect."

She smiled a little.

"So you'll marry me?"

"Yes. In a  heartbeat." You sniffled, your tears now falling from happiness instead of sadness and fear. "I love you too. I want to marry you. I want to be your wife."

She grinned and put her forehead against yours before closing her eyes, a tear falling down her cheek as her heart nearly burst.

She pulled the ring out and put it on your finger before bringing your hand to her lips for a kiss.

"I love you so much." She said.

"I love you too." You spoke back to her. "And we're all good, don't worry about anything. Let's put everything behind us and celebrate."

"Okay." She giggled. "We're getting married."

"We are." You smiled brightly before hugging her tight.

She wrapped you in her arms, swearing she'd never let anything like this happen again.

Because you're her everything and she'd never hurt you, not ever.

Yuqi Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now