she sings you to sleep when you're sick

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Yuqi sank her teeth into the skin of her lip as her heart broke in her chest. Beside her, you whimpered and shifted around uncomfortably. Your skin was clammy and feverish, your stomach ached terribly, Yuqi has to keep the bucket close to you, and your muscles ache.

Yuqi is certain that you've got some type of the flu. She's taken some time off to take care of you. She thought, when she first told you, that you'd put up a fight and tell her she needs to keep going into practice and the studio.

But you're so sick that you don't want her to leave and you were relieved when you found out that she's staying by your side.

You whimpered her name, causing her to snap out of her thoughts and scoot closer to you. Her hand gently fell to your back and began to brush along your skin in circles.

You had her shirt on but because you've been moving around so much, it's ridden up your body a bit. You seem to be content in it nevertheless.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly before dropping a soft kiss to the back of your neck.

"I'm tired but I can't fall asleep." You mumbled. "I want to sleep."

"Okay." She whispered softly. "I've got you."

She hummed softly, applying a little pressure to your skin with her nails, causing your skin to tingle. It felt good. It brought you slight relief and a little comfort, which you need right now when you feel so bad.

"Is this helping any?"

"Yeah." You mumbled. "But I think I'd feel even better if you sang to me. The sound of your voice makes me feel better."

She couldn't help but smile. Even when you feel so gross, you're still so cute and you still melt her heart.

"Any requests?"

"No. Anything. Just sing to me. I like it when you sing to me."

She kissed along the back of your neck lovingly, leaving a trail of sweet kisses along your soft skin. She moved her lips to your ear and as she sang to you, she kept scratching your back ever so gently and rubbed it soothingly, switching between the two but bringing you comfort and relief both ways.

She peeked around your shoulder to see if you'd fallen asleep. You cracked a tiny smile, causing her heart to flutter.

"Not sleeping yet, baby?"

"Not yet. Almost. Just keep singing."

She chuckled and kissed your head before she continued to sing to you. Her voice was quiet in your ear but so soothing. You found yourself drifting off to sleep, despite the discomfort you felt.

Being sick is terrible, but it could be so much worse. With Yuqi by your side, you know you're safe and sound, always. You know you're well taken care of you. You know you've got her to lean on and help cheer you up, even when you feel disgusting and terrible.

"I love you so much." She whispered in your ear. "I hope you feel so much better soon. If you need me, you know I'm right beside you. Sweet dreams." She spoke softly before she continued to sing to you, and even continued for a few minutes after she knew you were asleep.

She hoped that with some TLC, you'd be better in no time. Until then, she'd be right there to take care of you every minute of every day.

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