• Chapter Thirty-three •

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The students rush to the food section after the dance ends. Even my stomach is making weird sounds that are too hard to hide at this point. But Jun, Sky, Asher and I decide to wait a little before we get our hands on the delicious food that we can smell even from our side.

I look at Jun, who's sitting on my right side. I tell him to come with me to the water fountain. It's a short walk from the auditorium towards the fountain. I calm my heart down that is busy picking up the pace faster than my walk.

I take a deep breath and wait for Jun to arrive. I hear the sound of footsteps moving closer to where I am, and there he stands, right infront of me.

"I'm here." He says.

I smile softly and nod.

Here I go.

"So, Yeon-jun. You probably have gotten the idea between how our current relationship status is. And we were both too shy to admit that we like each other. Even at this moment, I am having my overthinking take over me. It usually never happens before. Me, being someone's girlfriend has never happened before, so you can't blame me for having a crush on someone who shows the slightest interest in me. Cause believe it or not, no guy has ever given me that hope. But you, you're different. And I never imagined, for atleast 20 more years because million is an exaggeration that I'd have a boyfriend like you. And you're still not mine technically since this is the first time I'll admit to you that I-"

That's what I had thought I'd say. But the only words that I muttered out of my mouth, the lo and behold, as the straightforwardness of Maya jumped out said were simply-

"I like you Jun."

"Y-you do?!" He replies to me. He is in a mix of emotions. In a good way.

"Yes! I really really like you. I have from the past month." I say and look down quickly. I feel the burning sensation rising in my face.

"Maya, I... Really like you too. I should've said this sooner. But, you probably know how shy I get. But you might have also figured out that the feeling was mutual." He says fiddling with his fingers.

Who gave you the permission to be this cute?

Wait... The fireworks are about to begin in just a few minutes!

"Y-you really like me back?" I say.

"You're doubting me?" He says crossing his eyebrows.

No it's not like I'm doubting you. Ever since I met you. I never stopped thinking about how a guy came into my life and made me feel this way. I don't want this to end. I don't want this all to turn into dust or a dream. This feeling, I want it to be real. Not just my optimism.

"I never have." I say.

We look at each other. His big, brown almond eyes are fixed onto mine. He's not chosen anyone else. But me.

My mind consumes me and I fail to keep myself together.

I lean closer to him, tiptoe slightly just enough so our faces are inches away from each other. I hold onto his tie and pull him towards me. I close my eyes.

Have I really gotten this brave?

And just like that, we kiss.

I press my lips softly against his and I feel his hand stroking my hair as he kisses me back.

Just a moment passes by and I hear the fireworks behind us. They're not the only fireworks that are shooting up in the sky, they are also rushing in my veins and my body right in this time.

Yours, truly.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora