• Chapter Twenty •

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"I knew he would be sleepy at the end of the day." Asher says about Jun.

Sky and I are outside my house as we're standing infront our door. Jun is sleeping in the backseat of the car and we didn't feel like disturbing his nap.

"Umm yeah. Well thanks for today. My day was well spent." I say.

"No problem. We should meet up like this." Asher says.

"Yes. We definitely should." I tell him with a small smile.

"Alright done. Drive safe on your way home. Let's meet at college." Sky says and starts using her phone to call her dad.

"Sure." He says discreetly and drives away.

Something feels off. I just don't know what. We had a great day overall but the incidents that kept happening between us, I feel that it's more than just normal friendship. Sky had also refused to sit with me on the way back when I wanted her too.

"Alright. My dad is here to pick me up Maya. Gotta go. See you." Sky pulls up her hood and puts her phone in her jeans pocket.

"Okay. Take care!" I tell her and she heads out too.

I didn't even get the chance to explain anything to her. The thoughts that are swirling around my mind. I couldn't share them. Well, we're all tired anyway. I'm sure I will be able to tell her anytime in college. Let's atleast hope so..

Once I'm back inside from the chilly weather, it wasn't that cold before but as the night is getting darker by the hour, the wind gets colder too. I go upstairs to my room and change. I wash my face, brush my teeth and get cozied up in my bed.

I check my phone and see that Asher has sent our selfie altogether in the groupchat.

Asher - Make sure to message here whenever you're ready to complete your dares people haha ;)

Oh. The dare. Almost forgot about that.

I set my phone on the side table and decide to sleep.

*Knock knock*

"Yes. Come in." I say. I don't think my family would let me sleep when I wish to.

My mom comes inside.

"How are you? Is everything okay? I heard you came back but you went straight to your room. Did your day not go well?" She asks me.

First off, my brain can't respond to all those questions at once.

"Mom, don't worry. I actually had a good time with my friends that's why I feel tired. We went to Mania and since its a big place, we walked around alot. I didn't want to interrupt your work so I simply came up here."

My mom sighs with relief.

"Ahh! Okay I understand. Do you want to eat something or did you have something outside?"

"I had a meal so I'm full."

"Good to know." She says and caresses my hair.

"I'm going to let you rest then, sleep well May-may."

"Mom!" I scrunch my nose hearing that nickname Zoe gave to me when I was 4. It just sounds weird to me. That's why I have told everyone in my family to refrain from calling me that.

She laughs and turns the light off of my room before going downstairs.

I close my eyes. But I can't shake the thought of Jun. He and I... We danced together. To a slow song. His hands were fitted into mine and our eyes were locked into each other. I felt genuinely happy. His pretty almond eyes, fluffy brown hair and soft smile made me melt.

Out of nowhere, I can feel my face smiling to myself. If anyone could see me right now, they must think I look so stupid. Stupidly crushing on a guy who's way out of my league. I had crushes back in school. None of them liked me back. They all rejected me and I got heartbroken on liking someone so easily. Let's just say, I hope this one doesn't turn out to be like them.

Cause I don't want my heart to shatter again. For once, I want to love, and be loved.


"What are you doing Zoe?" I say to her as she's searching through old albums and notes in our parents cupboard. It's Sunday late afternoon. Our parents are out for some grocery shopping and it takes them approximately 2 - 3 hours to come back. The house is given to both of us. And this is what she's doing instead of watching the new run episode of BTS with me. Sad.

"I want to show you something amazing that might shock you. Our parents have been hiding these gems from us. They might look like extroverts but let me inform you.." Zoe comes out of the bedroom, into the kitchen where I am sitting, and waves a huge album with a few notes sticking out in her hand.

"They both had a love marriage and whenever I wanted to know about how they both met, they would get all shy and change the topic. Well, not anymore! I have found the material!" She says like she's won the lottery.

"You sound like an investigator. Who haven't had good cases in hand for a very long time right until now." I tell her as I take a bite from my cookie.

"Say whatever you want. This is some interesting stuff." She raises her eyebrows and smirks.

"Pfft. Alright show me."

"That's my girl! Okay so this the letter our dad wrote to mom back in 1990. They met at a wedding and dad had his eyes stuck on mom the moment he saw her as one of the bridesmaids. See! It even says in this letter how he felt. And I quote,

"You were the first girl that caught my attention in a way no one ever did.
You had a beautiful pearl white dress on and your hair were tied in a braid crown.
You looked stunning that day, I even told my mother about you immediately and asked her if she knew you. She did and I'm so glad that I got to talk to you after the wedding ceremony ended. We were both awkward. Yet, I saw you smile. And that.. that just made me fall for you even more."

"Our dad was soo cheesy oh my god!" I tell Zoe as she finishes reading it. I cringe while imagining the whole scenario in my head.

"Yeah he was. But this is so heart-warming! I wonder how mom reacted to this letter when she got it! I mean.. they both look so good-looking here, in this picture."

She shows me a picture of their engagement. Which was taken in 1993. Only three years after they first met.

Wow dad. I'm impressed. Way to go.

My mom had her hair braided, her beautiful golden skin is glowing. My dad had a mustache and his hair looks alot healthier in the picture than it does now. And he's not wearing his glasses. His eyes are smaller without them on.

"90's was truly a beautiful decade." She says with a low voice.

Agreed. I wish I was born in the 90's too. Such a simpler time.

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