• Chapter Nine •

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"I have a headache." I tell Zoe.

I'm back home now and my head is spinning, I feel weak. It's probably because I had nothing to eat at college today.

"Do you want some soup? And then you can take some medicine afterwards." Zoe tells me.

I nod and rest my back on my pillow.

I should focus on my studies. Just because my subjects are easy doesn't mean I can neglect them. If I prepare from now on, it would be alot easier for me in the future. And then I can have all the fun without any worries!

My mind is a maze. And I don't know where to go. Where is the way to the finish line. It's only the first few days of my college and although they are going smoothly. I'm still stressed.

"Here you go." My sister brings in chicken corn soup with some toasted bread. I love having this during winter. It's such a comfort food.

I take a spoonful of it and make a satisfied sound.

"Care to explain why you didn't eat during your lunch break? You know you're already thin! I get worried about you." She says.

"I was busy doing my work Zoe so I forgot to umm eat." I say gulping down the soup.

Zoe gives me a warning look that definitely says Dare to do this again and you're gonna face my wrath.

I get jitters just by her look.

I take the last bite of my toast, and take my bowl to the kitchen. I get the medicine for my headache and a glass of water, I can feel the bitter taste of medicine in the back of my throat.

I then, take a short nap.


I take a peek outside my window. It's the start of December and its definitely colder than usual. It hasn't snowed yet, but I'm hoping for it to snow soon. My favorite weather is winter. It's such a cozy season. You can wear as many layers of clothing as you want. And that's my favorite part. Hoodies, cardigans, and sweaters! I wish winter was alot longer than summer!

I search for my schedule for college and look what events we have throughout the year.

January - February : Winter Formal for both classes. Junior and Senior.

This catches my eye! Woah.. If this ever happens. It's going to be my first formal!
I always imagined myself going to one with my friends back in school. Unfortunately, that day never came. I've always seen it in movies. How cute the whole set up is for proms and formals. But I never got the chance to experience it.

Maybe this time, it can be a possibility?

My exams are going to happen between the months of March or April. It will be my first term.

I get my lazy ass up from the window side, and open my books to study. I better get good grades.

I study for 4 hours with no breaks in between, and I can feel my head might explode. I organize my bag and decide to go out for a walk. Its 8 pm. I put on my thick sweater and boots and go out the door.

I take a walk around the park. The swings are empty so I sit down and swing it back and forth slowly. The cold air is somehow refreshing. I look up at the dark sky that's twinkling with stars. The moon is glowing. Its a beautiful sight. I take a deep breath. And decide to head back to home.

Nature can be the best solution to clear your mind. The fresh air really helps. I feel like my headache has also lifted off. I look around the buildings and people have decorated their balconies with pretty lights. They must be real excited for Christmas.

My family doesn't celebrate Christmas. Although I love the aesthetic of the event because of the warm hot chocolate and cookies. I start craving for these sweets just as I'm thinking about them.

I'm definitely getting some chocolate chip cookies from my favorite bakery after college tomorrow.

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