• Chapter Four •

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It's another day of college.

I still feel sleepy from last night cause I was on my phone the whole time. I ate dinner, and started to revise the subjects I learned yesterday and once I got bored, I switched to my phone and I didn't even notice what time I actually went to sleep. Smh. Why am I like thiss?!

"Can I have all of your attention please? Students, we have a new comer. Let him introduce himself." Our history teacher Ms. Erum says.

I look up from my sleepy head that was resting on my book and see a new student standing shyly next to Ms. Erum.

"Anneo- oh sorry.." He clears his throat nervously and begin to speak.

"Hello everyone. My name is Yeon-jun. But you can call me Jun for short. I'm from South Korea. I am glad to make it here. I hope I can get along well and study english even more. Umm that's it I guess. Thank you." He bows and continues to look down.

Is this a dream? I am suddenly wide awake. Why... would.. a.. cute looking korean study here out of all places? This is insane.

"Alright Jun take a seat. We will start our next lesson now everyone please turn your page to no. 12" Our teacher says.

I'm not the only girl who has her eyes stuck at Jun. Almost every girl is in awe of how cute he is. He takes an empty seat that are two seats ahead of mine. And suddenly turns around. Our eyes meet.

Oh shit! He's looking at me. I must look away. LOOK AWAY IDIOT!

I look back down on my book and start to turn the page furiously. Oh gosh. Why did I have to look at him like he came from another planet? Well. He did come all the way here from another country soo.. I can't blame myself.

He chuckles and shakes his head. Wow. Even his backside is pretty. Man.. this is the first time I've seen a korean boy in my life this up close. How fortunate.

I smile to myself and start to focus on the lesson. Or try to.


It's the end of the day, I pack my stuff and leave the classroom and get downstairs. We got early dismissal this time so I'll have to wait for my sister for almost 30 minutes. This sucks.

"Hi!" I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it surprises me. It's Jun. What the heck? Why is he saying hi to me? Umm.. I'm totally confused.

"Uh hey?" I say.

" Sorry to umm.. bother you like this. But do you remember me?" He asks me. His eyes are beautiful and almond shaped.

But.. what does he mean if I remember him? Did we meet anywhere? I totally would've remembered this face if I saw it.

"What? I think you might have been mistaken." I tell him.

"Haha no. Oh maybe you didn't see me. I'm the person you bumped your head into yesterday miss.. umm I don't know your name yet." He smiles and scratches his head.

Don't tell me this is the guy who saved me from falling. How does he remember me from that incident. And why didn't I take notice. Oh lord! This is embarrassing.

"Ahh ohh! I'm sorry about that. I just got a little clumsy and well almost fell. Thanks for helping out." I say nervously wanting to get out of this conversation before I turn red.

"Oh its all good! By the way, nice to meet you." Jun says moving his hand forward.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Maya." I say while shaking his hand.

If this is his first day, then what was he doing here yesterday?

"Umm why did you come to college yesterday?" I say speaking my mind. I hope I don't sound too annoying.

"I came here because I wanted to give my admission form. I couldn't find the teacher I had to give it to. I got a little lost." He says looking shy.

Oooh! Okay that makes alot more sense.

"Got it." I say. I check the time and I still have a few minutes left.

"Do you have anyone you know here Jun?" I ask him.

"Oh yes. I actually came here with him. His name is Asher. He is in a year above us. He had a holiday today so he will come pick me up." He says fluently.

"Your english is pretty good." I say.

"Really!? Thank you. You're very sweet." He replies.

THUMP THUMP THUMP. My heart. Oh my heart. He didn't have to be cute and say that me ahhh!

"Oh- I- uh.. You're welcome!!" I stutter.

He gives me a genuine smile. "Do you want to sit on the bench? We still have some time left." He looks down at his watch.

"Sure. I'd like that." I say.

"So do you umm want to be friends Maya?" He says as we sit down on an empty bench.

Alright. My name in his voice sounds really good. But why am I the person he wants to be friends with first? Is it because of the encounter we both had. This is the perfect excuse to talk to people! Oh my my my.

"Ofcourse!" I say being excited.

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