• Chapter Ten •

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Why is this chapter so long!

It's my third period and it's of history. I can't take this anymore! We've been studying the same lesson for the whole week! This is so frustrating.

I have tried noting down the main topics, which seem important but, they're also pretty lengthy.

Once history period is over, I rub my eyes and put my head on the desk.

It's official. I don't like history of ancient Greek.

"You seem alot tired today." Jun says to me.

"Uhm-hmm." I mumble.

"Let's go get something to eat then?" He asks me.

"Okay.." I say but don't move from my seat.

"Yah! Let's go Maya. I'm not going without you." He says.

I look up to him, this boy doesn't know when to give up huh?

I finally sit up straight and scratch my head. I then tell him, "Fine. Come on."

We head downstairs to the canteen and Jun asks me what I want to eat.

"Do they have those cheese pizzas?" I say to him.

"Ok, I'll go check but that's all you want? You sure?" He says.

"Yep! Here take this." I give him my money.

"It's my treat." He goes away without taking my money.

He comes back after five minutes with a coke, my cheese pizza and a hot coffee.

"Thank you." I tell him. We both sit on an empty chair and table.

"This coffee is for you. You should drink it to feel energized." He says while taking a sip of his coke.

"You didn't have to get me this though. But I appreciate it. Anyways, why didn't you get anything to eat? Coke isn't a food." I tell him taking a bite of my pizza.

"I already had a big breakfast so don't worry." He smiles softly.

"Hey guys! Is this seat taken?" Asher comes up from behind me and I look up. And then he suddenly looks down at me. He grins.


"Hey! Join us Lee." Jun replies to Asher.

Oh his name is Asher Lee? I wanted to avoid these guys but it's like they keep coming back to me.

Asher takes a seat next to Jun. And they both chat about stuff I don't take notice of.

"Umm Jun... Since you didn't eat anything. You can uh.. have some of my pizza. I don't mind sharing it." I tell him.

"Ah I already told you. I'm good!"

I bring the pizza closer to him. "Just have a little bit. Look! It's going to fall if you don't take it." I imitate a sad expression.

And then, all of a sudden, Asher moves away from his seat and takes a bite of the pizza I was aiming in Jun's direction.

"If you're not going to taste it, then I gladly will." Asher wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and gives me a smirk. He lays back on his chair.

I cannot with this guy! How is he so intimidating when he does the smallest thing?

I look away and take a sip of my hot coffee. It's still a little hot but I like it.

"Oh. Am I interrupting something?" I hear Sky's voice.

I look ahead of me and see Sky standing there with a bag of chips.

"Sky!! Hey come sit with me." I tell her.

Oh thank god she's here!

"I saw the whole thing." Sky whispers in my ear.

"What? You mean.. the thing that just happened?" I say lowering my voice.

She nods and smiles.

I look at the boys and they are both staring at us. Confused.

"This is my friend! Sky. We met yesterday. She's in the grade above me." I introduce her to them.

"Oh hi! I haven't seen you around in my class." Asher moves forward and looks at her.

"Me too. We're in different sections I guess." Sky says.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you though. I'm Asher." He shakes her hand.

"Oh same goes for you!" Sky says.

I can feel that Skylark looks alot more confident than me. But she still seems grounded. Like she knows what's she's doing. I like her vibe.

"This is my childhood buddy Yeon-jun." Asher says.

"Hello!" He waves his hand shyly at Sky.

She smiles and waves her hand back.

Sky offers me her chips and I take some. We all talk till the end of our break and get back to our classes. Sky grabs my shoulder and takes me to her classroom.

"Oh. My. God." She says grabbing both of my shoulders.

"They're soo handsome! I can't believe that Jun is in your class too! Why isn't Asher in mine! But look at you. Damn." She says being too excited.

"Sky. Calm down. You're making me laugh." I say to her.

"There is no way I can calm down!! This is great you know." She tells me.

"I guess?!" I say to her while I look puzzled.

"It was nice of you to join me though. Next time, please let me hang out with you only. I need to distance myself from them." I tell her.

"If I was you, I would enjoy having their company but okay! I need to talk to you about a bunch of things anyway! Did you see the new performance?" Sky says changing the subject.

She can tell that I needed a break about talking about those two.

"Yess and I spent all night streaming their new song too!" I tell her back.

We both enjoy our conversation and she heads back to her class. I wave my hand goodbye and reach my classroom.

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