• Chapter Twenty-five •

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It's the next afternoon and I'm currently doodling on a piece of paper to get rid of my boredom-ness and focus on something other than studying for hours. I think we all can agree that studying really tires you out and you need some sort of distraction to allow your brain to relax.

"You should use yellow for the inside if you're using black for the outline. It will make your art pop." Zoe says as she sees my hunched position that is all too immersed in drawing.

"Yeah? I was thinking of using light green. But yellow isn't a bad option." I reply to her.

"I'm making hot chocolate. Would you like some?" She says as she starts taking out the ingredients from the pantry.

I'm sitting in the living room sofa since the heater here works much better. It's freezing outside and I would much prefer to warm up my body from the chilly afternoon.

"Can you add marshmallows on top too?" I ask my sister while she boils the milk on the stove.

"Okay." She says.

I'm almost done sketching out my pattern for the Mandala I was working on for the past 30 minutes and it doesn't look half bad.

If I practice enough, maybe I can be more neat with my drawings.

Ah who cares? I just like to draw as a hobby.

"Here you go." Zoe hands me a cup of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows floating on top. I swirl the liquid around and wrap my fingers around the cup to access the warmth.

"Smells delicious." I compliment.

Zoe smiles and changes the channels on the T.V

My mom is helping my dad pack up for his trip since he's going away for a while due to some meetings. My dad is an office clerk and he's also becoming a senior worker in a few months. That's why he was given an opportunity to work outside and take a new step. I'm very grateful for the family I have. They are so supportive and caring. I hope they always remain happy.

"Is it just me or do I hear your phone ringing?" I say to my sister as she's observed watching a show.

"Oh! Can you get my phone from the counter then?" She points behind us.

I grab her phone from the counter and give it to her.

"I'm going to excuse myself from here now. Thank you though." I say.

Zoe nods her head and picks up the call.

I head upstairs to my room with my doodle and sit on my fluffy grey carpet.

(11 pm)

Ughh I can't sleep!

I've been tossing and turning in bed attempting to go to sleep but its no use. My mind is way too occupied with random things and it looks like I want to take the nap but it doesn't want to take me.

What should I do?

I reach for the window and slide the curtains open. Its a starry night and the view is beautiful. I want to go outside but...

I check the time and its past 10. I don't think my family would approve of that.

"Spend the night on the rooftop of our college."

Suddenly the dare Asher gave me comes into my mind.

Should I do the dare?

A thought occurs in my brain and I'm torn between whether to do it or no. I have never. Once in my life sneaked out of the house like this. Never in my eighteen years of living. But rules are meant to be broken to have some fun. Isn't that what they say?

I walk in circles around my room and think whether or not its a good idea to go to my college and complete the dare.

Maybe a disguise can work? I can dress up like a dude, wear a cap and a mask. This one bus does take the route that is near to my college.

I might to need head back home early in the morning so nobody suspects that I went out.
This needs to be done stealthily.

Yes. It might look like I may not have much experience with these kind of things. And that's probably because, I haven't done anything like this. Its my first time so ofcourse it is normal for me to think this through before I end up in a big mess.

That won't be good.

Okay! It's settled. Now is the time for a perfect disguise and bringing out the daredevil in me. Its now or never.

I turn on the lights in my room and open my closet for some warm clothes. I find a thick jacket with a big comfy hood attached with it and I decide to pair it with my dark green sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans.

I search for a cap and a mask.

I find both in the color black.


I guess I should text on the groupchat to let them know I'm completing my dare tonight. They might be shocked as if what came over my mind to consider the idea. Like, right at this moment. And I don't blame them. This is what I've decided to do since I can't go to sleep. I'm sure the teenagers who are experts in ditching and sneaking around all the time think my situation is a just a piece of cake.

But for me. I keep telling myself to remain calm and to just go for it.

Maya - Sorry to interrupt any of your beauty sleep. But your friend right here has decided to sneak in the middle of the night to complete the dare Asher gave to me. Let's hope I don't freeze to death on the rooftop. Yep. Might have gone crazy.

I send the text.

I do a final check of how I look. Hopefully not too mysterious with the mask on my face but its the main thing hiding my identity. I finally turn off the lights of my room and lock the door behind me.

There is a back door on the roof that leads to the backyard and I decide to go from there so that no one wakes up from the creaking of the main door to our house. I feel like a spy. Tiptoeing my way to the back door and stepping downstairs from the round staircase.

I made it!

I am now standing at the backside of my house and about to take the bus that drops off passengers near my college. Some might say I should take a taxi but I'm not comfortable with that. Buses seem like a safer option since there are more people on it.

I cross the main road and stand at the bus stop. I wave my hand around, a bus no. 202 comes slowing down to where I am. I get inside the bus and pay the driver.

Thankfully, I'm not alone here, a few people do send off a glare my way. It's probably because of the mask I'm wearing.

I'm in no mood for a talk anyway. So it doesn't bother me that much.

I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket.


Woah. He's not too fond of my plan, that's for sure.

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