• Chapter Twenty-two •

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"You mean.. Yeon-jun?" I ask mom hesitantly.

"Yeaah! He seemed like a very decent boy. Do you like him?" Mom says way too forwardly and now I know where I get it from.

"Ah.. yes ofcourse! He's a good friend." I tell her.

Well a good friend that I've developed a crush on. Not that she needs to know about it. Right now..

"Did he just get friend-zoned? Aw I feel bad for him." I hear Zoe say while she is taking out a chocolate from the pantry.

"What?! No he's not friend-zoned. That's like the worst! I don't want to put him in that position!" I say nervously.

Because I've been in that situation too many times. Let's not put someone else through it. Or am I being too kind?

"Whao chill!" Zoe says.

"I'm super chill." I say in a toned down voice.

We all gather up for dinner and eat our food. It's mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables.
A vegetarian friendly dinner.

I take the last bite of food and put my plate in the sink. Lately, I've been going upto the roof after having dinner. I keep waiting for it to snow here since the weather is getting chillier day by day.

(Next day)

"Maya! I think our relationship is like atoms and molecules." Asher says.

Me, Sky and Asher are all in my class. Jun is currently outside to find our science teacher to hand in his paper. It's been 30 minutes since he's gone and I'm stuck with Ashlee.

"And why do you say that?" I ask him suppressing my emotion of anger. I just want to talk to Sky.

"I'm the Atom A and you're the molecule M. And since you, the molecule needs two atoms. I think one of the atom could be me in your life. What do you think?"

"Hahaha! No. Don't flatter yourself. I am doing great without needing you. I believe, you as an atom are not trust-worthy."


"Cause you make up everything."

Sky laughs as she understands my joke.

"Can we finish talking about your subject?"

"I only brought it up cause I though we had some "chemistry".." he says faking a sad expression.

I facepalm myself on the forehead.

He's not giving up huh?

"Ookay. Imma head out." He says as he gets up from the desk he was sitting on.

"Bye bye Ashlee." I say as I wave at him.

He looks around while furrowing his brows.

"I'm still not used to that nickname you picked for me." He says.

I stick out my tongue. "Well you better. Cause its not changing anytime soon."

He sighs and goes back to his class.

"I should get going to. Our fourth period is about to start soon." Sky says.

"But I've been meaning to talk to you about something! Asher took most of our time. Please just stay for a while longer." I say and tug on her shirt.

"I'm sorry Maya. Maybe another time?" She says and pats my shoulder. She goes out of my class too.

Is it just me or does Sky seem a bit disturbed? I better ask her what's going on. My confession about liking Jun can wait. Friendship should always be my first priority.

"Sorry, it took a lot longer to find Mr. Enzo than I initially intended. Did I miss anything?" Jun says as he comes back to our classroom.

You only missed the corny jokes your friend was making. So yeah, nothing special.


We both arrange our seats and while we move the desk closer, our hands reach to the same spot.

*Thump thump*

"Ah! I got it Maya." He says as he shyly smiles and and pulls the desk nearer.

"Hello students! Let's continue where we left off. Quicky get your books ready." Our English teacher bursts through the door and claps his hand together for us to hurry up.

It wasn't our fault you were late. Let us take our sweet time too mister.

"I will be assigning you all a 4 page essay which is titled "Music throughout the decades." The due date is next Monday. I better see some improvements from the boy section of your class. Alright have a nice day." Our teacher explains and quickly takes up all his stuff from the table and goes away.

"Jun, you okay?" I ask him as I see that he has flopped his head on the table.

"I don't know... I'm trying my best to keep up with my english grades. Although, I'm good at speaking. It's really tough when it comes to writing." He replies.

"Aw... Umm.." I think of suggesting some way of help to him.

"Right. How about you write this.. essay in korean and then you can translate it to english. There is this proper translating app which will be helpful to you." I whip out my phone from my jacket and show him which app I am talking about.

"You might need to talk to our teacher if this is allowed. I'm sure it will be. You can learn how to write in english as you translate it." I complete.

"Maya... You are a genius!" He looks at me with the widest smile on his pretty face.

"Haha I'm glad to know that." I say and flip my hair with sass.

And as soon as I say it. He takes me in for a hug.

I move my head slightly around and it seems to appear that the girls are covering their mouths as they are open wide in shock. The boys side is rather not interested in any of this what's happening here. They remain unbothered.

Me on the other hand, I don't know how to process any of this. So I close my eyes and simply pat him on the back with both my hands and he lets go of me.

I open my eyes and see him as we apart from our hug.

"Thank you." He says.

"Uh you're welcome?" I reply.

Oh my god.

Yours, truly.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora