• Chapter Twenty-three •

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"So, what's up?" Sky says.

"The sky." I reply.

Skylark gives me a glare.

"Hey! Admit it. Its kinda funny!" I say.

"Whatever.." she says.

We're both standing on the ground floor of our college. Its dismissal time and she and I are waiting for our parents to pick us up.

"Sky... Can I ask you something?"


"You've been pretty quite since the start of today. Is there something bothering you? You can share with me."

"Oh.. it's nothing really I'm fine." she begins to speak and I know its nothing.

"Please.. don't be like that."

"Like what?"

I click my tongue in frustration.

"Like the person who wants to hide. Don't bottle your emotions. You seem like a really fun person Sky. And I admire how real you are that's why I wanted to be your friend since the day I met you. Friends share their stories with one another. Right?" I say to her.

"Well if you insist, I'm just worried about..." She looks at me.

I nod my head for her to continue.

"Worried about that I won't be able to see you guys after senior year.. because.. there's a possibility for me to move out." She completes.

So.. this is why she was quite the whole day? Man..

"Oh! But your plan isn't confirmed yet right?" I say.

"Yeah. It isn't." She starts fiddling around with her fingers.

I know how she feels. And I felt sad too. At the thought of all of us separated from two years from now on. We all got to know about each other pretty fast. But Sky and I, our friendship, at first mainly revolved around when we both found out we like the same band. Our conversation were mostly about kpop. Now, I suppose its different. Maybe its time to really make our friendship stronger.

"We should consider the idea of a sleepover." I say.

"Yess! I'm so in!" She says and gives me her bright smile.

Oh how I love to see you smile!

We're gonna make the best memories.

"Maya." She says.


"I envy you, but I'm okay with it at the same time." She says.

I chuckle.

"Why do you envy me?"

"Two guys crushing on you and both of them being from South Korea? It's unreal." She replies.

"Pffft! As if! I highly doubt Ashlee likes me that way. He's just flirty by nature." I say.

"Soo.. what I'm hearing is.. you're not denying the fact that Jun likes you too?" She nudges me in the shoulder.

I don't know how to respond to that honestly. Is he just being nice? He hasn't dated anyone before.. or was Asher lying about it? Am I reading to much into this?

"But.. I think Asher seems genuine when it comes to you too. He looks at you when you're not paying attention to him in a way I haven't seen him before. But Maya, at the end of the day. One of the guy's going to be heartbroken anyways." She shrugs her wide shoulders.

"Let's say... Do you have an interest in Asher by any chance?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Ha! You look funny. And no. I think of him as just a friend. Both of them actually. Besides, I don't want to be someone's rebound or a second choice. I'm happy the way I am right now. Don't want my brain stuck between the love triangle you're facing lol."

"L-love triangle. Sky... My life is far from being that dramatic." I say.

"Not anymore sis. Buckle up." She winks at me.

"How will it be a love triangle if I tell you I only like Jun!" I say to her.

Her eyes widen as I say it out loud.


Might have to rethink the decision of telling her. Too soon?

But for what it's worth, we finally had a good talk after the end of the day. And I feel relieved because of it.

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