• Chapter Six •

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"Oh my god! That new transfer student from Korea is so cute!"
"He's tall too! Finally we got some eye candy at this college."
"Right?! It's gonna make my college days much more worthy haha!"

I hear a bunch of girls giggling about Jun. Yeah. They're not wrong, it just irks me how much they are talking early in the morning.

"Hey Maya!" I hear Jun greet me as he enters the room. But he's not alone. He's with his friend Asher today. Hmm I guess his classes started too.

"Hi." I reply.

"How are you?"

I feel all the girls at the back staring at us. They have calmed down now. Ofcourse.

"Good. Just a bit sleepy I guess." I yawn and cover my mouth.

I hear Asher giggle and then he clears his throat, "So this is your class. Not bad." He looks around.

"Do we have permanent seats?" Jun asks me.

"No, I don't think so. Our class teacher hasn't assigned us permanent seats yet so you can sit wherever you'd like." I tell him.

But my eyes keep wandering off to Asher.

Why is he still here? Doesn't he have his own class to attend? Not that I'm mad I just.. There will be even more girls talking about him when he leaves. And most importantly they're gonna jump me with all kinds of questions since I'm the only girl who has talked to them so far.

"Okay lil bro. I should head back. And yeah, Maya right? I hope to see you at the cafeteria too?" He winks at me and goes out the class door.

What was that wink for?! Ajsjksks

"Ugh. This guy I tell you." Jun says shaking his head being annoyed.

"Well umm can I sit with you?" He says.

"What?" I ask him im disbelief.

"I don't know anyone around here except you so.. can I have my seat with you?" He says nervously.

Why can't he just talk to the boys in our class? It's gonna make a wrong impression on me. But is it too ignorant of me to think such a thing? Ah what should I say?

"Yeah if you want to." I say coldly.

"Oh.. then I will just sit over there at the side.." He says while looking a bit upset.

"Wait!" I grab his hand and he stops.

"You can sit with me Jun." I tell him.

He smiles wide and immediately sits right next to me.

I'm still holding his hand. Shit. Gotta take it off quick.

I quickly remove my hand from his and put it on my desk.

"Do you know bts?" I ask him randomly.

"Haha. So since I'm korean you are asking me this?" He says raising his eyebrow.

"No!! Not at all!" Yes. "It's just that I ask that around because they're my favorite band!" I tell him honestly.

"Ooh! Well yes I do know them. Asher is great at dancing on their songs." He says.

"Cool!" I say excitingly. I can imagine Asher being a good dancer. He is in the right shape. He's got nice hair and a handsome face.

"Do you like to dance too?" He asks me.

"I wish I was good at it. But yeah I love to dance!" I say to him.

"I see." He continues to look at me.

Please don't look at me like that. It makes me self-conscious. Even though I have nothing to worry about.

"Good morning students!" Our class teacher finally enters.

We all stand up and greet him back.


"Umm I still need some work to do on this subject, you can go out to the cafeteria and I'll catch up with you." I tell Jun as its our break.

"Oh okay." He nods and goes away.

"Well would you look at that. It hasn't even been a week and you already made him and his other friend your friends? But no one else in this class? Are you that biased of a person?" A girl comes up to my front, crossing her arms.

"Oh I see.. You're jealous because he didn't even bother try talking to you right? And you didn't have the guts either. And yes, I may be biased about people but now you know exactly why. People like you are just friends with someone so that they can get gossip from them about what they want to hear. Look girl, you still have your chance. I'm not going anywhere. Let me work in peace and it's all good hmm?" I snap.

Reason no. 1 - why I don't feel like making friends in my class.

"Ugh. You sound so proud of yourself. Don't get too excited though. I doubt your friendships would even last if you keep up this act of yours." She says.

Now they're really getting on my nerves.

"Is it just me or do I seriously smell something rotten burning? Please, this is no act. This is just who I am. Don't like that, get lost." I tell her off.

Who are these bitches trying to tell me how I should act? I'm still holding back from saying more to them but it's just going to be a waste of my time.

"Just piss off." The girl says and turns away. I can hear her heels clicking on the marble floor.

What is this? A runway? Who wears uncomfortable heels to college? Not me. And did she just tell me to piss off when she is the one walking away from me. Wow taking her own advice I see.

"Can't even study here without being disturbed I swear." I say to myself.

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